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C Da SKill

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Everything posted by C Da SKill

  1. somewat , i started to read it then i jus posted
  2. why don't u check out the borders or barnes and noble website?
  3. are scene chicks like goth chicks?
  4. so if i write neam, whoeva wwrites name is gonna b liek"he stole my name..." it don't matter
  5. yo 'n' looks more like a 'y' wit an extension, other than that, it's aight, but i am a toy so what do i know.... crits
  6. C Da SKill


    that has been said many a time, get some new material
  7. C Da SKill


    already know this is bad, but other than that wut u wit it?
  8. can i get some crits on this?
  9. don't try and connect the letters yet. just do straight letters with no connections or arrrows.
  10. does nebody know the site you can go to for the book all city?
  11. ne body know where i can download subway stories?
  12. or try tha name mook. nice set of letters
  13. feelin them gold n' green wuns
  14. yo man what markers u use?
  15. fix yo letter structure, like make in a straight line. And make tha letters bigger
  16. get rid of that gun thing on the d and change it to a arrow or something
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