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Posts posted by bouncingsoul

  1. 12 year old Nortes ahahahaha


    Yo don't get caught up in that gang shit, rise past that alright? That's my piece of advice for you, remember it. That, and practice A LOT. It's the only, ONLY way you'll get better

  2. some recent work. its not all that great cuz i started a year ago but fukk that.




    it says XIV. and if you kno wat it means then your smart. rofl. tell me wat you think. be honest.


    I don't usually post without a picture but this is so stupid... Graffiti is not about gangs. If all you're going to do is destroy people's shit for nothing more than a drippy-ass, unstructured, incomprehensible "XIV" or "Norte's kick ass," get the fuck out of graffiti because we don't want you

  3. So I just came back a couple hours ago from vacation. Boring as hell but I barely sketched... I regret not spending more time in my notebook. Ah well, school's starting soon anyway...




    ^Never finished that one hah


    ^Ignore the mole-y thing, I have no idea what the hell that was supposed to be


    ^They're like fruits, get it?


    ^Shitty letters


    ^Shittier letters



    ^I saw I'd ran out of space so I just started to do some random bullshit hah








  4. Alright, planning on doing this handie in between to fill up that space "True to your roots" Kinda sloppy and the letters need a biiiit work. Oh well




    Putting it in between here by the way



  5. Another "Asek" sketch for the battle. The bar in the A I just made a little circle- no idea why... Probably would have looked better as a normal bar, oh well. I gotta work on filling up that space under/to the right of the EK (the bottom-right of the piece hah). Wack K but oh well... Yeah, here it is




    ...Hah, upside-down knews sketch from earlier today worked its way into the flick too

  6. Hmm, this Nekst?


    I thought he was from California... Weird, because I pulled this flick from a Cali thread




    And yes, I love his throw.


    My opinion on throws though, as long as they are easily readable and have a little style to them, they're good.

  7. Hah, what a coincidence, I was just working on my throw last night... Today too. Flicks







    Kinda hard to see in the 3rd one, the E is lowercase and it lowered, the little thing above it is actually the left leg of the W, which stretches over. Also ignore the insanely fucked up dropshadows


    That Ewok and that Serf are doooooooope



    here's a 10 minuite collab of styles. i took yours styloes best i could remember and threw together some quick pen and papers. sorry tusk_ you know how much i hate using straight pen. knes im really feelin the 'k' i put in yours, haha. i hope yinz will try to fuze some of this into your new shit...


    Fucking love. I think we have similar styles (at some points) actually


    From yesterday



  9. Get a PC.


    Why anyone even considers using a Mac is beyond me. At school, we have 5 in our computer lab, and whenever the computer/tech committee gets funds, they throw it all into the macs. In my Computer Productions Technology class, we have substitutes constantly. One day I was using the tablet to do some art in photoshop CS on the Mac (This tablet was hooked up when I was not at school, then zip-corded to every other cord in the mac, and the PCs have photoshop 6, not CS... otherwise I'd be on the PC) and this substitute comes up to me and says 'Wow, those Macs are sure amazing' and I said 'Why? It's running photoshop, a PC can do this' and she said 'oh, not just that, all the other things Macs can do' and I said 'Like what?' and she said 'oh you know...' and never gave me a real answer. Mac users are, FOR THE MOST PART, brainwashed idiots* who don't realize that anything useful on a Mac can be done on a PC. PC users are also able to regularly upgrade their computer, and customize it, where as the most customization you get with a Mac is putting stickers on it...


    /end rant




    *I'm not calling you a brainwashed idiot for having a mac, just a lot of people glorify them for idiotic reasons. If you're willing to admit that the only really 'good' attribute to a Mac is it's aesthetically pleasing design, I will not call you an idiot. I guess lots of people like them for editing though, I don't see why, I can photoshop ten times better with my PC, and more proficiently, because my Right Click is a lot easier to use.




    Freak, I'll work on one for you

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