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Posts posted by bouncingsoul

  1. IMG_0753.jpg


    i'm hoping you don't shop some place trendy like hollister for those jeans, rip em yourself and have a scar to go with it, it's better that way


    oh yeah and as always nice letters, your W is getting weird though


    Hahaha, I buy my clothes from Walmart because I'm a cheap motherfucker... All my socks have holes on the bottom and all my jeans have holes on the sides... Gotta love skateboarding man

  2. Oh and bounce - PENCIL!!! Haha...Anywho...I'm not sure what I think about the W being on its side...Not liking the K and the N would be dope without that horizontal bar towards the top (not the actual top but the one down from that...) Other than that I'm lovin the E except that hole in the middle but I never liked that and the S is fire...Keep doin what your doin...



    SEAZ sort of a mix of styles...3-D S, Computer font E, Piece style A, Throwie style Z...Crits???


    Loving that A

  3. na...i kick it in da rich sum times yea dumb ass 510



    n i aint black im salvadorin


    Guess what. Either way, you're still a douche


    This is why I hate 510. So many shitty toys. Sure there are good writers, but still loads of dumbasses

  4. Self Bump so bouncingsoul will see it.


    That rend peice could be really nice with a bit of better letter structure(mainly R) and drawn neater.


    Why thank you. Did we have an exchange? I forgot hahahaha. Tell me your word nukka


    "Slick Rick" I don't know hah



  5. hey everyone its been a while, ive bin kinda busy haha but heres the latest.


    only one for now but there will be more soon


    Dupe has some good ones... I liked these





    But the rest I thought sucked ass





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