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Posts posted by racksleezy

  1. damon has got alot better but this N looks framiliar







    you gotta start somewhere though. go boy. had to get'cha on that one though


    are you serious? they both used a lower case n straight letter. you could probably find 100 examples of lower case n's from 100 different writers that look like both of those.


    you are a moron.

  2. its not that bad bro..ive painted there before 3 different times and nothing happened..


    you might have hit this spot 3 times but you did nothing compared to this. nobody has. 5th & burnside is about as busy a spot in pdx as it gets, no matter the day. he also caught a huge straight letter fill a couple blocks away on the same night. i'm assuming he did that tube spot the same night too.


    no disrespect, but silencer clowned that spot.

  3. that yellow and black keyd and cmon with the silver car in front was in my hood. i saw it getting buffed at 9:30 in the morning. it didn't even run 8 hours.


    good work on getting up early to flick your stuff!

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