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Posts posted by BIF.BEELOWS

  1. I feel you....but the saddest part on my side is how many people don't even care...

    they're are just like well im not doing anything wrong.....but they don't realize that it can get to the point and in many cases have gotten to the point where you don't have to do anything.

  2. Torture Bill States Non-Allegiance To Bush Is Terrorism

    Legislation tolls the bell for the day America died, birth of the dictatorship


    Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet.com | September 29 2006


    Buried amongst the untold affronts to the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the very spirit of America, the torture bill contains a definition of "wrongfully aiding the enemy" which labels all American citizens who breach their "allegiance" to President Bush and the actions of his government as terrorists subject to possible arrest, torture and conviction in front of a military tribunal.




    After five hours of searching through the 80-plus page bill, Alex Jones, who won the 2004 Project Censored award for his analysis of Patriot Act 2, uncovered numerous other provisions and definitions that make the bill appear as almost a mirror image of Hitler's 1933 Enabling Act.


    In section 950j. the bill criminalizes any challenge to the legislation's legality by the Supreme Court or any United States court. Alberto Gonzales has already threatened federal judges to shut up and not question Bush's authority on the torture of detainees.


    "No court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider any claim or cause of action whatsoever, including any action pending on or filed after the date of the enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, relating to the prosecution, trial, or judgment of a military commission under this chapter, including challenges to the lawfulness of procedures of military commissions under this chapter."


    The Bush administration is preemptively overriding any challenge to the legislation by the Supreme Court.


    The definition of torture that the legislation cites is US code title 18 section 2340. This is a broad definition of torture and completely lacks the specific clarity of the Geneva Conventions. This definition allows the use of torture that is, "incidental to lawful sanctions." In alliance with the bill's blanket authority for President Bush to define the Geneva Conventions as he sees fit, this legislates the use of torture.


    The media has spun the bill as if it outlaws torture - it only outlaws torture for "enemy combatants," and in fact outlaws the retaliation of any military against the United States as "murder." Those deemed "enemy combatants" are not even allowed to fight back yet the government affords itself every power including the go-ahead to torture.


    Further actions that result in the classification of an individual as a terrorist include the following.


    - Destruction of any property, which is deemed punishable by any means of the military tribunal's choosing.


    - Any violent activity whatsoever if it takes place near a designated protected building, such as a charity building.


    - A change of the definition of "pillaging" which turns all illegal occupation of property and all theft into terrorism. This makes squatters and petty thieves enemy combatants.


    In light of Greg Palast's recent hounding by Homeland Security, after they accused him of potentially giving terrorists key information about U.S. "critical infrastructure" when filming Exxon’s Baton Rouge refinery (clear photos of which were publicly available on Google Maps), sub-section 27 of section 950v. should send chills down the spine of all investigative journalists and even news-gatherers.


    "Any person subject to this chapter who with intent or reason to believe that it is to be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of a foreign power, collects or attempts to collect information by clandestine means or while acting under false pretenses, for the purpose of conveying such information to an enemy of the United States, or one of the co-belligerents of the enemy, shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a military commission under this chapter may direct."


    Subsection 4(b) (26) of section 950v. of HR 6166 - Crimes triable by military commissions - includes the following definition.


    "Any person subject to this chapter who, in breach of an allegiance or duty to the United States, knowingly and intentionally aids an enemy of the United States, or one of the co-belligerents of the enemy, shall be punished as a military commission under this chapter may direct."


    For an individual to hold an allegiance or duty to the United States they need to be a citizen of the United States. Why would a foreign terrorist have any allegiance to the United States to breach in the first place?


    This is another telltale facet that proves the bill applies to U.S. citizens and includes them under the "enemy combatant" designation. We previously cited the comments of Yale law Professor Bruce Ackerman, who wrote in the L.A. Times, "The compromise legislation....authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants, even if they have never left the United States. And once thrown into military prison, they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights."


    The New York Times stated that the legislation introduced, "A dangerously broad definition of “illegal enemy combatant” in the bill could subject legal residents of the United States, as well as foreign citizens living in their own countries, to summary arrest and indefinite detention with no hope of appeal. The president could give the power to apply this label to anyone he wanted."


    Calling the bill "our generation’s version of the Alien and Sedition Acts," the Times goes on to highlight the rubber stamping of torture.


    "Coerced evidence would be permissible if a judge considered it reliable — already a contradiction in terms — and relevant. Coercion is defined in a way that exempts anything done before the passage of the 2005 Detainee Treatment Act, and anything else Mr. Bush chooses."


    Since with this bill, in the aggregate, Bush has declared himself to be above the Constitution and the laws of the United States, the allegiance of American citizens is no longer to the flag or the freedoms for which it stands, but to Bush himself, the self-appointed dictator, and any diversion from that allegiance will mandate arrest, torture and conviction in a military tribunal under the terms of this bill.


    Similar to the UK's Glorification of Terrorism law, which top lawyers have slammed as vague, open to interpretation and a potential weapon for the government to kidnap supposed subversives, the nebulous context of "wrongfully aiding the enemy," could easily be defined to include publicly absolving an accused terrorist of involvement in a terrorist attack.


    That renders the entire 9/11 truth movement an aid to terrorist suspects and subject to military tribunal and torture. In addition, Bush's recently cited National Strategy for Combating Terrorism, which is available on the White House website, labels conspiracy theorists as terrorist recruiters.


    This should leave us with no doubt as to which parties are the target of the government's torture and intimidation campaign.


    Could protesting a war approved by the government and their bootlickers in Congress and the Senate be considered breaching an allegiance to the United States? Could campaigning against the bombing of a target country be considered wrongfully aiding the enemy?


    When the USA PATRIOT act was rushed through at the height of an anthrax scare without any members of Congress even having time to read it, we were assured that it was to fight terrorists and would not be used against the American people.


    Since then a plethora of cases whereby the USA PATRIOT act was used against U.S. citizens emerged, including the internment without trial for over three years of Jose Padilla, an American citizen who was finally released after no evidence of terrorism was uncovered.




    The so-called "compromise" before the bill was passed and the media acclaim of John McCain as some kind of human rights champion is one of the biggest con jobs ever inflicted upon the American people.


    Shortly after the bill was finalized it was spun by Bush security advisor Stephen Hadley as "good news and a good day for the American people." McCain said that it safeguarded "the integrity and letter and spirit of the Geneva Conventions."


    In truth the legislation does the exact opposite, giving Bush carte blanche to "interpret the meaning and application of the Geneva Conventions."


    In addition, under the bill, "No person may invoke the Geneva Conventions or any protocols thereto in any habeas corpus or other civil action or proceeding to which the United States, or a current or former officer, employee, member of the Armed Forces, or other agent of the United States is a party as a source of rights in any court of the United States or its States or territories."


    The bill also allows hearsay evidence (obtained via phony confessions after torture) to be considered by the military tribunal and bars the suspect from even having knowledge of the charges against him - making a case for defense impossible. This is guaranteed to produce 100% conviction rates as you would expect in the dictatorships of Uzbekistan or Zimbabwe and other torture protagonists who are in many cases allied with the Bush administration and provide phony confessions obtained from torture that allow the U.S. government to scare its people with the threat of imaginary Al-Qaeda terror cells waiting to kill them.


    Following the Supreme Court's ruling to previously strike down Bush's shadow penal system, Alberto Gonzales is already out threatening federal judges to shut up and get behind the dictator or face the consequences.


    Gonzales has the sheer gall to attack judges for even considering to "overturn long-standing traditions or policies without proper support in text or precedent," which is exactly what Gonzales, Bush and the rest of the White House criminals are doing themselves by de facto abolishing the Bill of Rights!


    This is a dark day for the United States, the day America died and the bastard birth of a literal dictatorship.

  3. I drift between idealism and nihilism rather easily. Probably because I have hardly any personal attachment to anything. I may have an inspiring, socially conscious, political message one day, I may just say fuck you another.

    I try to give a fuck. I really do. It's not an easy thing for me to do. Especially when people are such shitheads and it's hard enough to deal with my own problems much of the time, let alone the worlds. But if you are a wealthy, suburban punk kid, who's "sensitive" and "aware", by all means go ahead and tackle the worlds problems.

    I do think that graffiti could use less egotism and more universalism however. It requires a certain amount of priveledge to become a "successful" graffiti writer in the first place.


    pure urbanite....

    im just a writer from the winding that thinks it would be interesting to do some idealistic shit.

    punk ha....

    buff capital...whore

  4. that is very true we do have some sort of a symbiotic relationship.

    im pretty sure acting like the "hero" won't help us any

    even spider man wasnt strong enough....

  5. im not too sure about the names and shit...but it was my uncle's...he was in the marines and saved all his clothes and kept em clean...i actually got a couple jackets like it....this one is like an olive green....4 pockets....it says


    coat, man's feild cold weather, cotton nylon og-107

    contract numbers

    50%cotton and nylon

    defense personnel support center


    medium short

    height up to 67 inches

    chest from 37 to 41inches

    nato size: 6070/9404

  6. we aren't talking about what sort of torture is worse or perhaps...better?

    depending on how u look at it...

    but it's the fact that we are a nation which VALUES, AND BELIEFE IN FREEDOM AND LIBERTY that tortures people make no sense.....and it's against some act that was passed...im not to sure of the name....but im sure one of you know and can be so kind as to post it....



    see if we let them starve and die...then how will we know which ones die of starvation and which ones are betten to death?


    dude....things are about to get fucked up if you ask me....

    we're not gonna have much loot and if something happens...we're fucked....i called it.



    people don't understand that by fear these american extremists are keepin us hostage dude... next thing you know their going to be kicking down doors....


    look what happen with hitler....slowly but surely the tides of change do rise....



    those are people too man....like you and me...i don't get why people dont understand...

    the reason why we are never going to move toward peace...is cuz it dosn't pay well...

  7. Re: American Tranny will end soon....


    yes really....they don't care about iraq...they are just trying to hold down curtain parts so they could set up bases and shit....we are heading east from iraq.....just wait for it

  8. oh shut the fuck up this one homie thinks everyone can flush this whole shithole down the tubes


    were you not hugged as a child?

    there wasnt a for you to tell me to shut the fuck up....

    i was just saying if one person does it...more are sure to follow

    i dont think i can flush this "shithole"

    im just saying if no one ever thought they could make a difference then...


    we wouldnt be here right now...period.


    think before you speak...im not trying to make some toyass ask force...im just laying out my ideas...


    "even the greatest empiresstart at one brick"

    do you see my point?

  9. actually most of the low pricing of produce comes not JUST from low wage workers, but from SURPLUS. i could get into it more, if we need to.


    the US bailed Mexico out atleast once, and one time to many if you ask me.


    this is very true. competition is what capitalism is. however, i can see some justified bitching because they are not paying taxes, social security taxes etc etc, and are not legal citizens. with your next statement it seems you are being hypocritical... you dont want to regulate illegal entry or "slave" labor but you want to....


    ...regulate outsourcing. while i think outsourcing is just as bad as the next guy, i dont think the government should be regulating it. the government does have the power to regulate its own borders however. you want the allow illegals because of low wages and you want CHEAP produce, but you want to stop outsourcing.... this will raise prices on damn near everything.... but..... maybe you see no conflict in this.


    there is a huge white collar protectionist coalition forming over this... the competition from Indian engineers and the like...


    see i have a problem with this statement. while i personally think that if any US force is to be used in this kind of situation, it should be in cases like Katrina, and not foreign aid...but i think the problem in general is just government intervention. to me it seems hypocritical to denounce the iraq war and imperial military exploits, yet call for it in cases like katrina and places like darfur especially. we are not supposed to be world police. we are not supposed to be intervening in foreign affairs, unless a vital US interest is attacked. period. but our leaders dont understand this. and you dont understand this...

    Joe Sobran puts it very good.....


    " If you want government to intervene domestically, you're a liberal. If you want government to intervene overseas, you're a conservative. If you want government to intervene everywhere, you're a moderate. If you don't want government to intervene anywhere,[like our founding fathers] you're an extremist. "


    this is also good:


    **** **** ****“If the welfare state is here to welcome them, the solution is to get rid of it, as should have been done long ago. Overpopulation is a problem for socialist systems, not for free societies. In fact, the welfare system may be more destructive [to] the immigrants' families than to the natives.”




    yes, surplus...however i'd like to see what would happen if you actually paid workers by what their work was really worth....lets see how much the price of food jumps...



    funny thing is a lot of them do pay taxes...believe it or not....a lot of undocumented workers actually have false documents and the government actually gets money from people that "don't exist"

    about 80 billion dollars is spent here by undocumented workers

    and 20 billion is sent back to there "home country" to their families...which helps other countries economies.....


    about the outsourcing i was more trying to make a point...i see where you are coming from on this one though.



    and i wasnt really suggesting that we use the national gaurd to help darfur...i was just talking out of my ass.....it really wouldnt make any sense

    i agree on the world police statement you made....however we police when we want to?


    if you ask me i think our government has way too much power...while our people really have none.


    we have no problem with over population in this country....we do, however, have a problem with over consuming.

  10. hahahaa


    yeah, this shit sounds good.

    but then i get out there and i'm all "fuck that shit, i'm writing my name"


    there is definitely a huge part of me that has given up on idealism, trying to change the sytem, etc

    and wants everyone to wallow in the misery we've created for ourselves.


    so i'm not motivated to join the antigovgraftaskforce.



    i'm still just gonna be hookin up murdered little kids instead



    it starts at one homie....

  11. i have a few ideas i can type on here...but the others if you wish to hear will have to be through e-mail...






    information tags


    shit like that....but at a massive scale....im saying crews that believe this should devote one night out of the week to just tossing up propaganda tags....


    shit like








    even shit about louisiana...


    be creative.....throw buckets of paint on whatever....


    set up signs infront of places like McDonalds and Walmart....










    please give some feed back or other ideas....i think this actually can sway public opinion...well not only this...but it makes people think....

  12. yup....i watch the news and it's funny as hell how the knews brainwashes people....especially fox, cbs, and abc.... funny thing is they are all owned by larger companies.....so of course they are going to try to sway public opinion into thinking it's okay because it's in their best interest....


    "better to collect a little information rather than your corpses"....fox news broadcaster...believe it or not...lol

  13. tell me why they shut down internal investigations on this? bush wouldnt allow clearences to curtain documents...


    thats like telling the cops (that have a warrant) they can come in, but they just can't go in your room.



    put it this way...keep people scared of terrorists.....and you can do anything in the name od safety...even take over the world....


    hitler, stalin, and bin ladin knew/ know it....

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