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Thurman Murman

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Everything posted by Thurman Murman

  1. Stephen I got so sober that I didn't go to the bar last night! Oh well see you next time hope we can meet up. You comin thru anytime soon Bumptaker? Let's get druuuuuuuuuuunk. We could get druuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunk.
  2. Man guys think of the graffiti you could write all over that butt!
  3. On the streets, everything is legal. I don't believe in an eye for an eye. I believe in TWO eyes for an eye.
  4. Dangada dangada.... "I'm sorry sir, but I am going to break your leg"
  5. ---------------------CRY2K!!----------------------------- If this were a football webpage, and your team was cheating, wouldn't you want to not allude to it in specifics so that you could get away with it? I mean think about it; couldn't it be possible that there are refs looking at this page? I mean I just want to make some sort of analogy for you so that you understand, since you don't seem to be grasping it. Let's be pragmatic. GO AND READ THE "HELP US HELP YOU" thread at the top of the Brick Slayers forum. It's pretty much the directions for using this site. Read the directions and abide by them. Otherwise you will get a whole slew of people calling you a moron, a dumbass, and other things. It's like when you buy a VCR. You read the directions so that you can be sure that you are going to be able to watch your movie. Otherwise you are going to have some people sitting on your couch calling you a dumbass and a moron because you don't know how to get the movie to play. Because you didn't read the directions. I personally worry when people come on and run their mouths like you do, because you are likely to at some point become so defensive and defiant that you are going to almost intentionally blow up a spot for some of us. It's happened before. GO LEARN WHAT TO DO LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DID!
  6. OZE is right. That Vespa straightletter does sort of look like a dead cat.
  7. Well... as long as you dont mind a drip or two.
  8. I actually kind of like the new cans with the female tips sometimes. You can get pretty thin lines with them if you go fast enough.
  9. Salty I will call you about that jumpoff.
  10. Tell your parents poodle I said happy Thanksgiving, Dicko.
  11. It's a tall can of coors brewed from a mountain stream... set your head on fire and make your kidneys scream
  13. Loosed. The dogs will chew up your soda bottles
  14. Hey Hersey would you ever punch an alien?
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