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Posts posted by a_fiend

  1. Stranger: HEY PRINCESS

    You: how did you know about my royalty ?

    Stranger: i smellt it :)

    You: no thats just cause i didnt shower today

    Stranger: ohhhh

    Stranger: ahaha

    Stranger: i see now

    Stranger: evils

    Stranger: now i get it

    Stranger: you smell like un showerd

    You: thats not nice

    Stranger: no i like it

    Stranger: its a nice fragrance

    You: what do you smell like ?

    Stranger: i smell like DKNY be delicious

    Stranger: APPLES

    Stranger: :)

    You: do you like apples

    You: ?

    Stranger: there okay

    Stranger: do you?

    You: fuck off, as if what are you a homo or somethin ?

    Stranger: hhahaha

    Stranger: lmao

    Stranger: maybe

    You: oh me too

    You: but seriously fuck apples

    You: do you like grapes

    Stranger: haha

    You: ?

    Stranger: yes i do :

    Stranger: :)

    Stranger: are you homo?

    You: depends, has your mom had the op yet ?

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.




    Stranger: hi^^

    You: hi

    Stranger: have you ever been to a bar?

    You: sure why not

    Stranger: I have been to a bar once. And I got into a fucking fight

    You: oh

    You: did you win ?

    Stranger: kinda

    Stranger: But I got fucking bruises

    You: shoulda stabbed em with a broken beer bottle, oh well next time youll know

    Stranger: haha yea. I know right?

    You: how old are you ?

    Stranger: I'm 19

    You: were you from ?

    Stranger: from the united states

    Stranger: you?

    You: im 25 from australia

    Stranger: oohh

    Stranger: cool

    You: here in australia we have perfected the art of bar brawl

    Stranger: oh really?

    Stranger: NICE

    You: yeah maybe i could show you a thing or two

    Stranger: yea. You should

    You: first sign of trouble you run and hide

    Stranger: Why are there so many fucking retarded people who mess with someone they don not know

    Stranger: Maybe they are too drunk?

    You: then when they have forgotten about you sneak up behind them and insert your finger in their rectum

    Stranger: WTF!?! Duude? Rectum? Shit it's to fucking ugly to hear. Haha :P

    You: i didnt make the rules

    Stranger: haha

    You: try it , youll see

    Stranger: yea. I'll try it for sure.

    You: anywayz

    You: you play xbox ?

    Stranger: no I don't. I don't even have an xbox

    You: are you poor ?

    Stranger: nope I'm not poor. I just do not want an xbox. I have a ps3 though

    You: sucks for you

    You: igeuss you have no interest in online gaming ?

    Stranger: I just don't like microsoft consoles. I like online gaming though.

    Stranger: online gaming on my PC. Not xbox

    You: ooohhhhhhhhhhhh, your one of those guys huh

    You: ever played halo ?

    Stranger: halo? I'm familiar with the game but I don't play it

    You: so what do you play ?

    Stranger: played halo once. BUT ON A GAMEBOY ADVANCE

    Stranger: I play nba, nfl, nhl, fifa on my ps2 and some stupid shit on my ps3. I don't have much ps3 games though. Games are so expensive these days

    You: seriously if i had to choose between PS3 or a finger in my rectum i would probably opt for the latter

    Stranger: I kinda regretted buying that fucking ps3. Oh hey gotta go, my fucking girlfriend is calling me. ( SHEESH SEX SEX SEX! PLEASE! )

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.




    Stranger: This Tom?

    You: yeah its tom so fucking what , you got a problem ?

    Stranger: Yeah. Where's My Fucking Cocaine.

    Stranger: Im Coming For It Now. Have It Ready.

    You: i wrapped it in tissue paper then put it in my ass now im fucking BUZZZZZZZZZZZZING !!!

    Stranger: What The Fuck.

    Stranger: Get Me My Fucking Cocaine.

    Stranger: I'm Coming For It Now.

    Stranger: You Don't Give It To Me, I'll Fucking Knife You.

    You: fuck you man, your a pussy

    Stranger: No, But I'm Licking Your Wife's.

    You: fucking dork, im not married

    You: seriously wanna meet and fight ?

    Stranger: Right I'm Coming For It Now.

    Stranger: See You In Two Minutes.

    You: were are you from ?

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.




    Stranger: hey

    You: hey hey

    Stranger: asl

    You: 16 f california

    You: you ?

    Stranger: 21 m uk

    Stranger: hows it going

    You: good

    You: you sound nice

    You: there are some real weirdos on here

    Stranger: yeah but its the same as anything i supose

    Stranger: we are gona meet them no matter what we do

    You: like this on guy who told me he likes to put earthworms in his rectum while he jerks off

    You: creeped me out

    Stranger: that sounds really wrong

    Stranger: i think thats the first time i have ever heard that one

    You: or this other guy who says he travels around at night searching for roadkill so he can remove the organs take them home freeze them then use them for sexual penetration

    Stranger: wow thats a bit out there too

    You: that one gave me half an erection

    Stranger: lol

    Stranger: u got a boyfriend

    You: no , but i would like one

    You: do you have a girlfriend ?

    Stranger: no im single now

    Stranger: what u into right now

    You: i like to sit alone and imagine myself licking infected wounds

    You: how about you ?

    Stranger: im in watching lost right now

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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