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Posts posted by modifly

  1. Re: I'm a gangster...


    Alright EBP. Heres what you do.

    Live36.com. Its free. theres probably 20 commercial

    free stations that play nothing but emo. You can

    change channels with the click of the mouse.

    there is a playlist in the player window so when you

    find a tolerable emo song you can note the artist


    Otherwise... Im pretty gangster too but i like the Ponys

  2. If you havnt been smoking regularly and took a few hits you are probably already clean.


    Drinking water doesnt clean your system of Thc. You can drink enough water that you pee water. If you are going to do this... the 3 days prior to the test eat red meat. The day of your test take a B complex. Alot of places will do a test on your urine... To make sure you didnt dilute your system with water. Eating red meat gives your piss some substance. The vitamins add color. A single smoke down will only stay in your urine for 3 days anyways.

  3. i am a cheap fucker. I cant help myself. That being said i like nice things

    and drink expensive beer. I tip really really really well too. Usually 40 %...

    I dont know why. I like to give people money. To make their night

  4. i was in jail not too long ago. My x girlfriend was in the next cell. I was trying to communicate to her under the door. The cop may have told me to be quiet... i dont remember. Long story short prick opened my cell door and kicked me a few times and then came back a minute later and maced me. That shit is for self defense and i wasnt threatening anybody. Bottom line some police should lose their jobs.

  5. i went to a house party a short time ago a few doors from Henry Fords home. The neighborhood is an oasis of sorts these days. There are a few blocks and then it gets rough. You can buy a mansion for very little. Unfortunatly you probably need to be rich to afford the upkeep. Insurance would hurt too as well as heating the place.

    The detail and care put into construction is unreal. Its almost artistic. These were homes for the elite when the auto industry kicked into gear.

  6. In the basement you can pull out a bookcase and on the other side is a hallway. At the end a lounge. Behind the bar the wall has 1 way glass leading into the swimming pool. In the corner of the room another hallway. There is a room with a painted red floor and a tunnel to the pond in the back.


    This Harry Bennet was type paranoid. I explored the place a few times.

  7. Summer camp was sweet.

    hundreds of acres in the middle of nowhere. There

    is a lake and an island fortress. Half

    of the parameter of the island is a moat. The moat

    is lined with spikes and mines. The other half

    is a lake and a swamp The top of the mansion had

    machine guns and guards. The actual house was

    cement made to look like logs. From the basement

    there is a tunnel that runs under the lake.

    On the other side is a car, In case of an emergency there

    was a plane on standby. The inside of the house is insane.

    Every room has 2 escape routes. Fire places with stairs .

    Book cases that you could push out. trap doors.

    This place belonged to Henry Ford's hitman. Harry Bennet

    When you google him they describe him as a

    brutal man. Responsible for all Ford's dirty work. You

    wouldnt believe this place if you seen it.


    I was a scout. I camped every weekend. Its probably

    one of the best experiences i have ever had.

    I know 1 thing and thats for sure. If and when

    I have a kid I am making him join just so i can get

    back involved. Cheap clean fun. Dont matter if you

    get dirty. No female distraction.


    If any of you fellas have a son you should take advantage.

    As an adult you just kick it. camp

    gamble, The kids take care of themselves, the

    food, the set up and everything else.

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