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Soup BDC

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Posts posted by Soup BDC

  1. damn. the fastest i went was like 45 on my specialized langster.. and i was pretty damn sure no one else could top that,lol.


    Haha I was taking turns at 45 mph, then hit 52 on the straightaway. SF folks need to take bart to orinda and get up in the hills more.



    edit: not that i'm bragging, or anything.

  2. Don't do it. I just went into the city for the first time since my lease was up last may and FUCK! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! Gangster hip hop philippinos with color matching 59 fifties. Pale white chicks with the messenger stylee. I feel sorry for kids who can't pass up the 25 mph city traffic, especially when every fucking bus driver is trying to box you right into a gutter.


    But since they're mainstream now, you can get a pretty sick looker for $500 with no assembly required at any bianchi or giant retailer. If you want a cheap second hand one, wait a couple years when the fad dies. Craigslist will be flooded with em.


    That's my two cents. But all my city folks love their fixies, so to each his own.

  3. Oh man this bike is the shit. My friend came up on the exact same one from a coca cola dealer for $300, brand new, everything stock.


    you gonna keep it road bike stylee?


    edit - bike is the shit! :cool:


    One month and 700 miles later. I haven't done much, just new-to-the-interweb cork tape, ziptied a couple headlights to the frame and found a color matching sweat garment accessorymentnessism thing, which is rad.


    Anyway I went ape shit when I got up to 52 mph on Wildcat Canyon road last Sunday. Ape shit enough to take photos of all the super dope radness on my bicycle.


  4. Head_on.gif.........................Head_on.gif.........................Head_on.gif









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