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Everything posted by eighty_six

  1. fucking toy shit be original stop copying off the graffiti research lab in austrailia and ny
  2. yo masoe im down i got ur sketch to ha sorry it took forever
  3. hey guys geist here i was supose to be trading with some of u kats and my comp crashed and i lost all those addresses so if u were suspose to receive a pack from me im sorry i got them ready all i need is the addresses so pm with ur addy so i can send them out thanks i was able to send one out to south west did u get it?
  4. what up i write geist i want down let me know
  5. just sum stuff i got around keep postin dem flicks
  6. hey heres a few i did at work let me know what ya think [/img] [/img] geist rocka chicago
  7. i like the style and the name i write GEIST here in CHICAGO too many arrows on ur peice though
  8. hey lets battle the word is AERA u have 4 days any prefrence
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