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the district

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Posts posted by the district

  1. I think graffiti is much better these days. I dont see why style reflecting a location is important. Thats like saying people cant breed between races because you will globalize all races into one and no one will look different.

  2. If you make the district your lowest common denominator, over your current residence of worship you would square the formula A/B(x+y) thus enabling the matrice' of pi = fi. ergo; encumberance + time(energy)+length of desired task = need for sleep...requiring your body to lay down at house of residence = C : then encompassing therein domicile to be laden with food, clothes, furniture, etc....alas all theorums equaling the sum of all fears.

    UserRunLog{data#RHHHHDF}*$%^^$::><TR&7hjUkTime:LoggedIn::file dAtARUN[eRRoR845]CKD5#$%^&____~3kcolorfill(0000009)=//ADA#---microsoftFAILURES:insert^%#356_%hpMA%@.GFJHjke%V>..//er4#(melancholy)colORcOded.RedOrangeYellowGreenBlueIndigoVioletBrownBlackWhite.circles,squares,triangles

  3. Actually you are not allowed to sell anything there.Its 9o mph windstorms and 120 degree heat.Sand storms that pop up out of nowhere.Thunderstorms that pop up in 5 minutes.By the end of the week everything you own is covered in dust.At night its 30 degrees and really cold.Under these conditions artist construct pieces over 1-2 weeks.You have to bring all of your own water.There are no showers.There are alot of undercovers there too.Good luck...

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