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Charlie Bronze son.

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Everything posted by Charlie Bronze son.

  1. p.s. you guys have no goodlooking plus sie girls, they are all either OBESE rolled up nasty white bitches, or they are skinny girls, whats wrong wit choooooo
  2. WHAT! This is the thread i have been waiting for............Skinny bitches are like boys, curves are sexy not bones, the pudding is tighter, better personality, more freeky, bigger as, bigger titttttieeeeszzzzzzzzz , but white girls when they get bbw, they kinda get square, its all about the latina ones, and a few black ones. SHIZZAMM, i love you who ever started this, you should be my friend on myspace, i mac all the plus size models and chicks in my hood, and then i smash fest, and i even help out at plus size fashion shows sometimes, with backdrops. DIABLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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