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Posts posted by TFR

  1. Originally posted by caffeine@Mar 12 2006, 02:54 AM

    Graffiti ruined my life in many respects, but remains an integral part of my life.


    I wouldn't allow my kids to become graffiti writers though.

    wait.....You do graffiti, but you won't let your kids do it???? Besides graffiti dosn't ruin lives the law/drugs/a bad life-style does.

  2. Originally posted by Fat Backwood@Mar 20 2006, 10:21 PM

    ^^hah this fool thinks he made a funny. and the utility belt was meant more in the sense of a batman like belt, not one for construction work. get a sense of humor you scallywag mark.

    I'm not a he dude. :huh2:

  3. Originally posted by ARCEL@Mar 20 2006, 10:11 PM

    first you get something to stand on, then you get a rope and tie it to the spot, then tie the other end to your neck, then just get rid of whatever you were standing on, because you don't need it now

    I'll let you try it, then you can tell me how it went! LOL

  4. Originally posted by Politics&Bullshit@Mar 20 2006, 06:49 PM

    Utility belt, fool.

    Fool?! you do know that utility belts are only for storing stuff, they don't actualy suspend you from roof tops. Maybe next time before you open your big mouth you should acctually know something about the subject. or maybe you just shouldn't talk cuze talking really doesn't suit you. YA TOY

  5. What ^ ppls, I was just wondering do you need climbing gear to reach some spots? Cuze some spots are at the top a 10+ story building an theres no ledges, and if ya do need gear, whats the best and where do ya get it?

  6. Hey ppls. Listen I've heard of this movie called "the graffiti artist" and I was wondering if anyone had seen it? My p2p (peer 2 peer) stuff doesn't come up with anything :shook: and I was wondering if anyone knows if a different p2p system would have it?

  7. GOD!!! Why hasn't this thread been closed!!! Fuck, I got a warning for making a stupid thread asking about crews and they thought that was wack! Man, if I got a warning for THAT, then you should be kicked of the forum! DON'T GIVE UP YOUR DAYJOB YA TOY!

  8. Originally posted by LittleBrainedKid@Mar 5 2006, 07:13 PM

    I didnt see a thread like this so here it goes, everyone should check out Who Cares? its black and white but they have some pretty tight interviews and flicks (http://www.bombingscience.com/catalog.htm?item=2015), whats your favorite graff magazines?

    To tell you the honest truth this ones my favorite. All the other graff magazines-websites really suck ass. As for the magazines ask someone else

  9. Originally posted by knowme@Mar 5 2006, 08:36 PM

    the thing is, what you're suggesting takes more time, effort, and ultimately, expense than just getting some labels/stickers for free and rocking them. in addition to that, it produces a far inferior result (by your own admission, no less).


    someone just close this thread.


    Yeah well for ppls without there fucking lisence its a good way to go, BESIDES ppl just don't give away free stickers, ya steal um

  10. Ok this is really ugly, but for people on a budget, its an option. Making stickers isn't hard, and its really cheap. And cuze I'm a "nice" person I'm going to help ya out. You'll need:


    THIN newspaper

    Silver spray paint (other colors are ok but I like the siver the best.)



    Glue (Elmers, I don't really know if others will work)


    1. Mix the Vinegar and glue in a empty water bottle. Then shake it well.


    2. Cut the thin newspaper into the shape you want your sticker. Then spray paint it the color u want.


    3. Rub the Vinegar-glue mixture on the back of the newspaper. (Rub down the sides, or your paper will curl under)


    4. Let everything dry, then put your tag or whatever on the silver side. You may need to repeat the tag a couple of times in order for the tag to really show up.


    5. When you want to stick it somewhere, just wet the back.


    (PS. These stickers don't last long and will probaly come off in a rainstorm, but if ya make them in large amounts they'll cost you next to nothing, compared to buying premade stickers.)

  11. Should I go taggin' if all I have is markers? I'm still not very good with the spray paint, but I'm working on it so ya don't need to tell me (again) that I need to practice!

  12. Originally posted by one two three four five@Mar 4 2006, 10:25 PM

    im just going to sum up the types of responses you will get, either:

    1. Fuck you


    2. Learn it yourself


    Well thats helpful. :huh2:

  13. Listen I don't know shit, and I was wondering if anyone knows good what type places are good for tagging. Parks, goverment stuff, ya know. Any ideas?

    Ppl just don't get it. They tell you to stop, but you can never stop loving something.
  14. Hey ppls. Listen I've got this prob. Graff in my town is a total 0. The police are really on the whole graffiti thing, PLUS I don't have a crew, cuze like I said no-one ill risk it. Oh and one more problem....I don't have my drivers lisence, so I can't drive to a city with more graff. Any ideas????

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