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Everything posted by justabit

  1. ^^ I like da sticker afffect on yur last one rend
  2. thanks mane id rather you be honest than sugar coat it.. appreciate it
  3. comments would be greatly apreciated Thanks alot gyus :)
  4. ^^ You got a good thing going.. not perfect but not bad
  5. piece?? Quoted post [/b] i meant to say throwie
  6. Hey Hey I know thos thread isnt for walls. But its my toy piece Sry for the drips.. :) Input would be greatly apreciated
  7. yo rend I Like the#4 on yur list of throwies Your "R" in the last on kinda looks like a "K" besides that, last one is cool too. n i'll have ur shit up by the end of the night. Green is my fav color.. good choice :)
  8. aight heres my option for the battle.. Tell me what ya think
  9. When is the due date for the option battle... cuz like ya.. Ill have mine up bye 2moro some1 has my book :king:
  10. yo i finished my option but my friend got my book, so ill show ya all 2moro.. its kinda trippy ;)
  11. Oh and here some more stuff I need to finish both of them, I just usually get sci tracked
  12. Hey lemme get down in this option battle too.. feels btr cuz were all toys :)
  13. im guessing mine are ok since no1 has verbally ripped them to shreads :)
  14. LoL I would like to know the same thing... Group comformity?! BtW Here are some flicks.. Artsy GinJer (sorry the r looks like an A i know) Dallen The last 2 was for friends.. Input :king:
  15. Not the tiny one up top but the one on the other page..160 potofweed. Lovn the letters, but is that finished?,.. Do some more shit to it. n show it again But nice picture :king:
  16. The word is scifen...FUCK I tot it was sifer... I hopped in with astro on that battle.. fuk imma have to start over now :(
  17. Its usually a sidenot put beside my pieces "2006 A work of Art" But I write artsy... I'll get that one up in a bit
  18. Dry erase board representating o.0 Input would be appreciated..
  19. Says Alex den Sifer.. It is for a battle at school amongst my friends... As for the top one... my little brother got ahold of the paint pens. I tried to restorate it as best possible
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