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Everything posted by poptart

  1. :o ;) :eek: :huh: :huh: :lol: :scrambled: :p :o yall niggas dont know nothing about some hippity hop.. or leap frogs... :lol: :lol: :D :D :o :o god damnndde maxLIVE HAH
  2. take it easy on the name calling man.. :o :o
  3. yea but the commercial for it is gay as fuck..
  4. mannnn that shit will probably get buffed now... they never learn.. ):
  5. OH OH! ive got sarcasm at VCU at 9:00AM MWF!!!! maybe we can be study buddiesss OHH im so excited.
  6. if i know you, shoot me a PM, got a party coming up.
  7. that guy is scared out of his mind.
  8. i guess it could use some more arrows..
  9. ? is that your approval that its dead? go paint that shit.. :o :o
  10. your what decal wont get you where? i cant read it all..
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