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the ghost of mac furrly

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Everything posted by the ghost of mac furrly

  1. see what happens when you aint got no letter foundation..
  2. buters throw up crushes anything crayone has ever done..
  3. you guys might not like this 1 because it was at a legal spot.. and if its not legal its not graff??
  4. first of all like you said you're just a fan...and most likely a toy. second you a real hater full of haterism for hating on frisco..shits not gay we keep it real cutthoathish...and after reading your comment the real bitch is you..because theres no where in this thread that twick is braggin...twick wasnt suing crayone he was suing NARUTO..a cartoon CORPORATION...from CARTOON NETWORK..so in other words he was going after the man.. going after a corporation thats making big bucks..and he actually sucseeded because they settled out of court...icp got paid for having a corporate guerrilla firm..go over they shit. who cares if it was legal..thet still got dissed by some corporate acount.now how do you fight corporations? fuck em sue them. if theres a nickel bag sold in my turf i want in. and guess what it worked..there was a check in the mail. plain and simple crayone got punked.. and his pussy is hurt.. theres a million walls in this sick ass city crayone could of done that shit some wheres else.. he didnt have to paint over that shit.. what the fuck is up with that? what i'm trying to say is that he got what he deserved.. he's lucky buter just spit in his face cuz that punk rocker could of really crushed him..
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