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Everything posted by hambone

  1. Loving the top flick of wesk and zoe, FUCK CREW!
  2. evisu although i would never buy them without the discount, but manly levis or whatever fits snug on my ass. cant have your pants hanging down to your ankles when you are hopping fences.
  3. Those are some nice fake ta'ta's
  4. bump papi and sheep doesn't matter about feador and gena really doesn't matter you don't know shit unless you are either one of them your opinion means nothing, like mine. oh and to 222-2222 you couldn't do anything like feador if you had three arms and a hundred mtn cans so don't talk shit. i don't see you getting up, or taking any flicks or doing anything positive. and to all you haters who don't think its worth it to post tags, I thought this was a graffiti photo web board. if tags aren't graffiti then what are they? you put it out there it will be put up here, as long as it is "graffiti". Bump papi and sheep. oh and where saucy at? ps. Internet gossip can suck a fuck. pps. i know i am getting into the middle of all this, but i am trying to tell you fools that talking on here is WACK. it really amounts to nothing besides some more posts, so you can look cool as a member. the real cred is on the streets and we all know that. flicks coming soon, if school will ever end.:mad::mad::mad::(:(:(:confused:
  5. oh ya and I am lovin' the video, saucy.
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