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Everything posted by NEBERONES

  1. Nover can i get some of your srickers?..... iam down to trade also my stickers are not as good as yours... dope style
  2. dubizm, i would like some of your stickers, mines arent as nice as yours but you down for a trade?
  3. and any one else that would like a trade...
  4. sleazy tezey, _blank_, and trouble youth youth iam down for some trades..... my flickr: NEBER1Z!, hit me ups.
  5. my man boogs...... whut is up?...... iam especialy liking the top one....... dope flicks none the less....
  6. simple fresh and to the point meks.......... dope sketch......
  7. :lol: very original name...... :lol: good shiet mayne.......
  8. werd...... thankzzzz homies............
  9. thanx freak......i love rocking them hand styles...... sometimes i could just spen all day practicng them letters.......................
  10. WERD....... well my internet was out for a min and my work work schedule is kinda hectic(3rd shift) and ps3 have been taking my time also but iam trying to scketch a lil more again......
  11. .......... GET AT ME MAYNE...............
  12. good shiet mr. boogs...... lovin the combos and thanks for the toss up..................
  13. WORLD BENCH WERE ARE MY STICKERS.................................:D
  14. omens killed your book..... iam down to send you a couple of stickers if you want... hit me up with your info....... fresh book...
  15. what are the order name of those dhl stickers?......... are they on the dhl website?.....
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