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Everything posted by INSOM

  1. INSOM


    heres one ---> traditional. dope.
  2. INSOM


    the R isnt the same style as the rest of the letters...match em up...try to keep thickness of letter segments constant.
  3. i like it, nice way to use the colors inside the letters..
  4. INSOM


    thanks, im not sure what you mean by touch pen..but i used a prisma marker to fill it in..
  5. FUSE - is marker all you used on that piece? the blues & greens look kind of transparent - really nice.
  6. satire..ive tried something similar before (the collages) and ill post flics soon...but um..yea really nice stuff, its inspiring.
  7. INSOM


    not that its bothering me or anything...but thats not a throw up.
  8. REND, that red yellow and pink next to the sketch is the best one ive seen you do. Hell, i think its pretty good period,...for a simple. You should stay away from bubbly stuff and backgrounds for now..keep practicing, you have the right idea.
  9. INSOM


    you cant really tell its an S on the 3rd one but keep going at it...you have the right idea...and id keep it at SAL for the throwie, i like it better...get creative with it...less to focus on than that loong salute....get me?
  10. ive seen your work in the exchange kalo...nice simples
  11. dope stuff....but if it were upto me --> id even out the piece a bit more, like the visual weight of it..if you know what i mean
  12. Nukon (newkon) by Smear aka Bams Sorry for the picture quality...
  13. haha thats what im doing right now...qwarts those drawings are nice....the rendering of the hands came out good
  14. i dont feel so bad for always switching up styles now...monk seems to do the same....good stuff, keep it up!
  15. INSOM


    cool looking hysterical patriots thing..
  16. chek - work on your 3d buken - work on letter structure and handstyle abc - nice simple 5cent - the R in the throwie looks wierd... shift - lose the drips and work on your R justabit- what does that say? anyway, nice start
  17. yup. enlarge the pics...that second one looks pretty good...but then again i cant see any detail..
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