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T h e H o r r o r

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Everything posted by T h e H o r r o r

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the radio show Kabar. i'll keep an eye out around October 28th for the other programme, and let you know if it turns up online too (fyi the BBC makes the majority of their radio output available online sooner or later, so the chances are good.)
  2. Yesterday afternoon a programme called Hobo Heaven was broadcast on Radio 4 in the UK... In America, every profession has its annual convention. Even the hobo is invited once a year to the Iowa town of Britt for a celebration of his lifestyle. Gerry Anderson reports. Listen here. (by the way the first 90 seconds or so of that stream are NOT from the programme) It was good to hear spoken accounts of hobo life from some of the people Kabar mentioned in his own report from the convention - Captain Dingo, Sunrise and Adman are a few of the interviewees i can remember off the top of my head. Its hard for me to explain to you the context that these shows are written and broadcast in. Radio 4 schedules are filled with little snatches of life from around the world, don't be offended if this half hour documentary barely covers the hobo lifestyle or if it seems like its just dipping into it in a patronising way. Hopefully the cheerfulness of the presenter will convey that they aren't trying to do those things. Anyways give it a listen... Love this thread by the way!
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