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methadone program

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Everything posted by methadone program

  1. oh boy! imagine seeing this beast cruising down the street! this shit looks like a parade or a float its like the two dudes driving should be throwing beads or mints out the windows
  2. man speaking of vans im saving up for one...one of those kinds with no windows...dark astro van with the sliding doors....maybe put a tire on the back..
  3. isor, best of luck...my thoughts are with you...need to vent more, feel free to hit me up..
  4. ^^ awsome!!!! yea congrats from me as well...are you on defered?
  5. man ive been having some weirdo dreams...i dreampt last night i was at the local waterpark (splashtown) and i got off a slide and i had a boner and couldnt get rid of it....i was walking around trying to hide it but it was there...kinda like having that going to school naked type shit...then i went in the lazy river and took a shit in it cuz there bathrooms were too dirty...
  6. holy crap CW thanks for putting a smile on my face...i read that and i couldnt stop laughing..that was random.
  7. midnight express..turkish prison meyhem. renevous- (sp?)-guy eats people..
  8. cake :huh2: amazing stuff. orfn, alert, page is good.
  9. i used to think it was fun to drink and take methadone (120 mgs) until i had to get my stomach pumped a few years ago..dont drink and take opiates... drink and take benzos? i had a friend die this way...took abunch of ativan, drank, and never woke up...not smart. sorry for the drug talk, just helping this guy out....
  10. yea, i feel you on that....it felt like an early october day or a easter sunday or something today...perfect day....its been a very mild winter down here as well...it sucks though i leave for work now when its dark and get home when its dark so i cant enjoy it....
  11. haha..na, it was for graffiti. damn fatalist, get them eyes checked out!
  12. haha...naw man..wish i could but its better off...im taking myself out to dinner at red lobster to celebrate however....
  13. holy fucking shit i just finished 450 hours of community service today!!!! rock rock rock im gonna miss those kids.
  14. i cant stop watching "TEXAS SWAT" on court tv....masterminds is tight as well...same with forensic files but that nancy grace ladies a bitch... court tv is the shit though!
  15. i feel you on that....i usually drink coffee everymorning, but if i havent had cafeine by noon...i got minor withdrawls.
  16. im not hitting on her man,,,shes from my area and im friends/was crew with her boyfriend,,thats alll there is to it....
  17. not two days ago, but i went the week before with skum, rims, and noise...you there?
  18. hey fatilist...you ever go to 1415 with *****?
  19. you got it made...i be picking up trash on the side of highways in 100 degree weather from 8-4 with the corectional officers..doing that shit for two years now...
  20. PERMENANT MIDNIGHT--old ben stiller movie (98)...true life about jerry stahl (author)..overcoming heroin/crack addiction...SUPER! DONNIE DARKO ANCHORMAN THE SKELETON KEY
  21. good luck bro...be sure to bring a good book to read while waiting.
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