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Posts posted by Deptronik

  1. The entire time reading this i was like :(


    I love boxers...



    exact same deal here. its' weird, i was never fond of them untill i owned a brendel *spelling?* myself. they're incredibly energetic and rascal-like, they fuckin own period. whomever was driving. should be run over....by a buss carrying 3packs of boxers being driven by that dude ceasar from dog whisper.

  2. haha. i can kinda see suki training for some reason. and riding a bike to training too. wich brings me to another point. next time you give a dogg away....make it a contest. they must fight you to the death for puppy!

  3. ...jesus christ. i like the direction this shit took. from a random rant about hating apart of your job *shoplifters* to so-called snitching and snitch policing, political and personl point of views. some ban hammer talk of kittens and misspelled lobyist shit. and of course...

    lil wayne.

    how the fuck is it that 90% of ch.0 ends up with.... lil wayne

    i ain't hatin. but seriously...

  4. dudes' old english/script and general font based joints are on point. his structure really stands out to me, its nice to see someone make the most of a spot. not as common now a days

  5. word, i miss it as a comfort food kinda quality. they're hard to find in the state i live in now. i like mixin 'em with lots of crushed ice and small amounts of those giant bottles of fruit extract. so they taste not-cheap and really sweet. and like a 1/2 slushy melt sorta deal.

  6. as a spic, i live upto the stereo type that i work multiple jobs. but i would much rather be a lazy over-breeding type.

    i'm really lookin forward to having 8kids and ruining all their lives. other than that, i'm with caligula on some jarritos. i been fuckin crazin their strawberry joint for a minute now though.

  7. ...wasn't there like 3-4 other threads identical to this? either way, fuck yeah scrubs. dr. cox tends to make it as funny as it is, or his wife. his wife is fuckin hilarious.

  8. the last 35seconds of the game was a pretty prime example of 4th quarter come-backs.

    i almost couldn't believe it, it was almost as if i was watching one of those sports movie where in the last 30seconds.......except, it really was in the last 30seconds. i'm just glad the giants came out on top.

  9. MGO sounds like a fancy name for "dick cheese" as far as i can tell.

    i'll never understand peoples' lack of interest in hygene. and i mean overall hygene

    nothing bothers me more than when a woman appears to be hella dime....has a major defect. may it be a weird ass foot problem, or bad teeth/breathe funny acne ect. ect.

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