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Everything posted by PiNcHeNACO

  1. Well when i said fire i didnt meant the actual flames that burn but the holy spirit taking its place. But yea like i said i would of been able to explain a whole lot better in spanish but i guess im trying here. Im not going to get to the part where you talk about worshipping false gods because like i said just like i beleive that my God is the one that came to save us from our sins you think your god is the one. Taking my time learn about Jesus (Jehovas saves)Has done so much for me that im really thankful and i like i said i do beleive with all my heart that im where im suppose to be at. Theres no need for me go on and read other scriptures from other religions since i know where im standing and im good here. I know later on in life. probably sooner than later, im going to take a look on what religions iare based out of but right now i dont even know half of the part and i know im never going to accomplish all the knowledge to see what God wants for us or why he does things. I live by faith and try to learn each day how to be a better person not for me and not for anybody else but for the God i worship.GBY
  2. Dawood i really dont understand where your coming from with that answer. Im not going to even lie i dont know or have the slightest clue on what your religion is based out of except from what they make it seem on tv. I know your religion is not based on what ive heard or seen since i am aware of the measures this media will take to brain wash people. But what i do know is that nothing is going to take my beliefs or my faith away since God has revealed to me that where im standing right now is pretty much where i need to be. Neither do i go get guidance from somebody else like lets say a pastor to help me out in each and one of my problems because i have someone bigger that guides me day thru day. I know you have your beliefs and just like me nobody is going to make you change your mind. But i would just like for you to tell me what that passage meant since i read it and read and still didnt get a clue out of it. It specially threw me off on what you quoted. Alright well im out. GBY
  3. Just like you ive been fighting this battle b/w quiting graff or not. Even tho ive still gone out and hit up a few hands and a few chill spots. I use to hit up more than i do now but since i converted to Christianity ive been having an inside battle about this. But im not going to get to that. Ive read a few post on what your views on Christianity is. While your always saying or atleast on what ive read that Christians don't even consider reading the old testament. Well bro all i have to say is that most of my guidance and what Gos has guide me thru has been thru the old testament. I read the new testament and try to learn as much of it for Evangelizing purposes. Since that's how i beleive God is going to use me for. But for my preachings and teachings like 85% has come thru the old testament. I dont beleive its just me since i met great preachers that beleive that preaching the old testament really brings that fire God has for us. Im not here to preach since i can see most of yall have your own beliefs and well are most likely way older than me. But also wanted to confirm to you that the bible also confirms that not all Jews are going to hell since it was Gods chosen people. But he is going to give them a chance to confess from there mouths that Jesus was indeed the messiah. Alot of them will be save when the tribulations come but alot of them will also be condemed. My bad if some of this doesnt make sence since i could explain it better in spanish and i rarelyy type in English. But i guess thats it. God Bless Yall
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