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Everything posted by yakid

  1. ^^^Mmm, nice cozy bed right there with graff on the walls to look at b4 i fall asleep.
  2. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread JAO Crew absolutely killin shit right now
  3. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread Anyone going to the Weehawken art show tonight?
  4. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread That LUST, SUE, AEK flick blows my mind...3D graff with lines so sharp. The bucket over the head is a funny touch too. Bump.
  5. Yeah...I'm a toy...:( But Merry Christmas Eve Eve!! :)
  6. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread
  7. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread Did some sketches...any advice?
  8. i was just up along that weed infested highway, had to knock down small trees to get room for my flicks. Its all overgrown...the back of that bridge is the same...u can't get a good shot in. :(
  9. at least she's not pissing on the third rail
  10. nice shot of the water like that ^^^:jestor:
  11. yakid

    Yard Safety

    i don't paint yards, just photograph, but even that's dangerous if you are into that. Don't ever underestimate the yard. Freights can go in either direction, so even if you don't see the locomotive the end car can still move. Don't trust the rail-signs either. I used to think that if the lights were red the train couldn't go in that direction..got a nice surprise when the freight moved that way anyway. Like everyone has said, dont cross under trains, thats just plain dumb. Some of the best writers in the world who knew "everthing" about yards have been killed. Never let your guard down...i walk like that cat on Charlie Brown Christmas with my head back and forth at all times. Plus don't get caught up in the action and not be aware of your surroundings, a lot of times I see graff and go straight for it not noticing all the bums around...not a good idea. Always remember that trains can come at any time...you may know the schedule like the back of your hand, but trains are late and early sometimes and freights are unpredictable.
  12. first bomb...any help?
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