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Everything posted by MAR

  2. MAR

    Wash DC

    I've been meaning to ask you what does you throw say I've looked and cant make heads or tails of it.
  3. MAR

    Wash DC

    yeh that makes sense, he has mad talent.
  4. MAR

    Wash DC

    yo balance, are you walking the tracks to get those pictures?
  5. MAR

    Wash DC

    Heres more: Im going to take some more photos on sunday hopfully will post.
  6. MAR

    Wash DC

    here are some flix for your veiwing pleasure more to come later tonight! the diss: Tyme: Does anyone know who did this? Its one of my favorites: Belev: Tale: More to come. Believe me you will like what you'll see.
  7. nice.....i like the pep talk at the end.... :haha:
  8. MAR

    Wash DC

    i think its cave....Its the wild style piece in red i think. i dunno. i think im going to go and take pictures today, the shame is i only have a manual camera.....
  9. MAR

    Wash DC

    does anyone have a picture of the cave piece at brookland cua, before it got painted over?
  10. re-done: Just messing around: Straight line filled in:
  11. I drew it by hand. It's just that I have a really crappy scanner thats maximum scan is 400dpi so it makes everything I scan look like I made it on mspaint. I'll try to post a better scan sometime today.
  12. MAR

    Wash DC

    wow, those are some quality pics....nice to see in here for a change.
  13. what do you mean? you could tell some one to fix this, learn how to do this, dont do that, etc. Yes your right that when it comes down to it in the end the person wont improve untill they sit down and start drawing, but a little guidence along the way definatly wont hurt.
  14. sorry but straight letters bore me. I have lots of traditional drawing and design classes under my belt and id rather do this. next time i will draw out my vanishing points and horizon line to make everything perfect. I'll post the thing again and maybe do some straight lines so you stop crying. Btw i totally agree with flatliner. more advice, less crap.
  15. thanks maca... yeah baby: i know the shading's a bit off, the 3d gets funky in some places, and some of the lines dont match up, is there anything else i can i do to improve my piece?
  16. and for me? (look one post above the guy who posted all that stuff)
  17. "cool" hand larry = cool "disco" dan? another mystery solved....(pats self on the back)
  18. loving my new handstyle and name looking for some feedback
  19. yo biz why would you hate on someone who trying to help you? tough love man, tough love.
  20. MAR

    Wash DC

    I've lived in the D.C. area for 10 years, been interested in graffiti for 8, been doing it for 2 (in Israel). Ever since 97 I've stood on the sidelines in awe as the scene progressed, moped as it died down and now I'm happy to see it rise up once more. There is only one problem though, there is a crew out there that has no repect. ATB. You guys are interesting to look at and I like ahoys throwies, but all I see is great pieces being covered up by you guys. Not even with better pieces. Your all so bent on kinging the city that you disregard the amount of time and effort that goes into doing a piece. Learn some respect, go find other spots instead of destroying such nice work. Another thing that bothers me is your stomping everyone that comes near D.C. How do you expect the scene to improve if you don't let anyone in? Toys will eventually get better...and as they progress so would the scene. You think we should thank you for keep the scene alive? You must be out of your egotistical minds...its because of you that the scenes dieing...No one wants to put their work up just to get dissed with some three second throwie. Learn some respect and the scene will grow. Btw Borf ownes the city artfag or not.
  21. Thanks for the flix and words of encouragment. I pretty happy with my throwie right now so I'm going to stick with it. Maybe one day it will evolve, who knows. So I guess I'll rock the new work and see how it flies.
  22. My new and improved throwie! what do you guys think? yeh im back to the craptacular scanner...oh well.
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