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Posts posted by MAR

  1. Hey hey! Yeah, I'm alright. Had to take cover a few times this week, but my home town is relatively safe. Here's to hoping this is over soon. It doesn't matter where things are falling, as long as people are getting hurt I'm not a fan.

  2. I come in to work to see the owners here having a meeting with a jewish man I've never seen before. They leave and I clock in to find some leftover pizza from their meeting. This is what was left...




    At first I was like why the fuck would they order from this place? Then I remember the jewish man, maybe he ordered it or they got it to show him some respect. I had no idea such a pizza existed...







    I must say it's pretty terrible. Granted this pizza was no longer fresh nor hot when I clocked in, but still. I say it's about neck and neck with Lil Caesars on the terrible pizza scale but free pizza is free pizza I guess


    That pizza looks gross. Kosher pizza in America is so hit or miss. Basically, the clientele have to eat kosher. If its the only pizzeria in the neighborhood they manage to stay afloat on desperation not merit. In places with more Jews and a legacy of pizza like NYC this shit would never fly.

  3. So let me break this down. You opened by saying you're depressed, suicidal, and own a gun. Then you're like "hey guiz, lets meet up." I appreciate your honesty and all, but if anyone lets you into their home they are fucking stupid or more scary/crazy than you.


    Also, don't go into sales. Not your strong point.


    Just saying.

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  4. Every time something something really bad happens to me I become a hermit for a few weeks and emerge a slightly different person. I usually change my hair, clothes, and affect. My friends tend to notice, think it's strange, and then get used to the newer me. It's gotten to the point I don't know if I am getting closer or further away from my true self.

  5. All political beliefs aside, it greatly worries me that we've had three, two term presidents in a row. I'm not sure what it means exactly, but patterns such as these indicate something. I'd be interested to hear what the 12oz politiratti has to say on it.



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