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Everything posted by BlistaCompact

  1. Yo, Bluntman: are you that mysterious Bluntman 2000 in MA?
  2. Aight, straight letters. I know the marker job is f'd because I used a fat-ass Sharpie, but hey its the letters that count right?
  3. Haven't been writing lately; too much work, but now I'm back with some quickies. I can see all of you missed me so much that you pretended to be me. :cool: What do you mean by breakthrough, segway? I know my handstyle sucks, I really haven't practiced it at all but I will after I get all this straight shit down.
  4. I'm not really sure what you mean but I can't see any pics you posted this page or the last page.
  5. Everyone is asking for simples so heres some of mine. Sorry for the crappy pics; i'm tired.
  6. 430crew, before you attach anymore images go to a image hosting site such as xs.to or imageshack, upload your pictures and use the "IMG" button in the reply window.
  7. Nice MS paint work, runci. Before you waste anymore time on that shitty program get Adobe Photoshop. It is readily available on limeware and bittorrent programs, etc.
  8. I originally did the first one in penicil then added the 3D in pen.
  9. I dont know what flaque means but to post pics go to an image hosting site such as zippyimages.com or imageshack.us and upload your pics. Then use the "IMG" button in the reply menu.
  10. Some new quickies, since my last 2 post mysteriously disappeared.
  11. Im not sure if your talking about me or madcapa, but I like guns so I kinda incorperate them as an icon.
  12. Some new stuff. The last one kinda got fucked up with when I outlined it in black.
  13. Updated version of the above with 3D.
  14. Definatly feeling that style, Astra. Add some 3D to that.
  15. Shit, thats better than when I started, as you can see.
  16. A sketch with color added. Trying to improve letter consistancy.
  17. Somthing simple I just completed Weard, I'm not one to give advice cause I just started too, but try to make some square type or solid line shit.
  18. Post up some other shit, Weard. Advice just given to me shall be given to you: start simple.
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