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Everything posted by SOAKER


    Wash DC

    word APOXY Im not dissing you at all Im bustin ya balls...I dont give a fuck what you do handle ya biz...that wall ya did in gold was ok...

    Wash DC

    I hope apoxy is like a little kid cause I know some kindergaten dudes that can rock nicer letters...no diss Im just saying...

    Wash DC

    hahaha yo smash up some shit then...these fucking toys need some discipline.


    its funny when toys beef over chill as cuttie spots under bridges and shit like that...streets spots and bombing? now thats a different story...to each his own...
  5. this thread use to be a variety of work from different writers...its seems like now its the same crews and writers being glorified over and over. all Im saying is maybe show some discretion and post the best and allow an assortment of work to be displayed, theres hundreds of writers that do dope work, besides most of the heads posting have the same work in their crew thread....thats all...

    Wash DC

    ohohoh...he said circle jerk!! hahaha this guy crank pipe is on his way up the ladda of success!!

    Wash DC

    i fucked a hooker in that towtruck...

    Wash DC

    Damn its such a fucking shame how these writers these days have such access to publicity. The other sad part of it is...they have unlimited access to other graffiti that is quality shit and they still suck. With so many writers to get inspiration from and to learn handstyles and lettering youd think they would do some quality. When I started it was Spray Can Art and albums passed down from NY and getting out and finding spots. SPOK actually understands what handstyles are, what lettering is, how to do a throw up...and to be honest its not that hard to develop a decent set of tags and letters, but niggas still do some garbage. This fool APOXY is free to post what he wants, true, but with freedom comes responsibility and just cause your free to put what ever the fuck you want doesnt mean anyone wants to see it. Like I said before theres a ton of work in DC that is hot, but on here its overshadowed by toys like APOXY and other hardheaded BM cats...shit is weak.


    not sure who imdead is but VIVA is right... RIDE has been writing longer and more consistantly in Baltimore than most, and has been developing his unique style for well over a decade...
  10. SOAKER


    word I feel you...you put it like that it makes a lot of sense. that spot really should be respected. HOF are for the best and nice productions. Theres tons of other spots in BMORE those heads could be doing...and even going to a dope spot like HOF just to peep shit or take pics makes it hot. Just like good ol' Prazer Tracks that is fucked nowadays...seems to be the evolution of a dope spot. Policing a spot is hard cause the newjacks dont understand what your doing and just retaliate and diss more shit. Really new writers should focus on getting up and getting fame for a while...whether it be train lines, freights, highways or streets...people dont respect chill spots and what they are for...finding a sweet spot to paint isnt easy, and when new heads findout about it and go there and trash it up with tags all around, leave tons of trash or go over heads, it really fucks up a nice thing. That MYKE is tight...nice to see...I caught some tags and throws of his in TX
  11. SOAKER


    not that this is the place for this, but while graffiti is "vandalism" it is also many different things to many people, and in different countries and even this nation it takes on a variety of forms. its awesome that there are new writers coming up and it shouldn't be discouraged but it is a pain in the ass to see all of the attempts at writing the new jacks are doing. having contributed to dissing and being dissed at chill HOF spots, I can say that regardless of who went over who, it is bad policy to "TAG" diss, or rag someones work. This only contributes to other shit being dissed at that spot, and eventually makes the spot fucked up and hot. Instead do a burner or at least make an attempt to burn them. angry and buck make good points, but I seem to remember a wall that had ran for a while and was burned yet it was still ragged because of some odd reason by the same people. My point is beef is easy to start but what are the reasons? and if its a piecing spot and you get burned? burn back or outshine that person. fuck it tho, there are no rules so do what you will...
  12. SOAKER


    its amazing how long RIDE has been consistently writing and doing burners for.
  13. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    ? whats crazy about crack heads smoking rock in the city?
  14. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    dude serioiusly WTF are you talking about well to doness graffiti writing? thats some bullshit seriously....how the hell do you "exude" an essence of ownership and consumerism. I know your trying to sound smart and shit but your sentence structure is fuked and mine is to but Im not talkng nonsense about who or what a graffiti writer is. Besides this all comes from some statement that I made about hooking my homie from NY up on some shit cause I got an ill connect.
  15. SOAKER


    TWINE KOG is nasty!!! nice work
  16. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    what your trying to to say is that Im "all on your nut sack" hahahaha...I think not...but REZIST is Doin Burners Konstantly...
  17. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    your friends lied to you and made a fool of you...go do some real graff...this isnt the paper chase...
  18. SOAKER


  19. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    haha..yo wed cut the stems in them graffiti remover cans caps and the joint would be like a fucking basketball sized spray KET just posted this shit...thought it was interesting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLhdOMi3WKA&rel=1&border=0
  20. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    what you know about bug and tar fat caps and crystal clear skinnies?
  21. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    back in the early 90s there was a shop on U st. yo RAN just order something or holla at me I got a homie whos got cans by the thousands, endless markers, buckets of krink, every kind of cap and some home made ink type ill shit...let me know what you need...
  22. SOAKER


    must you toys post everything you paint...
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