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Posts posted by cast144

  1. thanks


    nope never to la, did some stuff in ny but barely any. but keep the fliks coming. kaos for real i dont remember what the beef was all about but rust was crew and i usually stood up for it.



  2. thanks


    thanks for the pics, no that last one is some fake shit, im looking for anything you might have so either post them of email them to me.


    thanks again


    cast144 kgb

    gold medal winner in graffiti...



    im still waiting to find out who you are...

  3. ok then...


    i usually didnt go over shit for no reason, must have felt you had done somehing wrong, anyway it would me more interesiting if i knew what you wrote, if you dont wanna put it here, email me.



  4. request


    yo if anybody has any old flicks of my shit can you please send it to me at cast144@yahoo.com

    anything, tags, throw ups, silvers, red line, anything. i lost pretty much all my flicks and im trying to get some back.




    cast ones

    kgb foreva.

  5. geezes


    one thing is writing under your graf name which is fine, anothere is writing under an alias andtlaking shit which is gay, and last i dont thing anybody is stupid enough to write with their real name, so whta do cops have? "someone" writing on a message board, wow!


    caster kgb

    undisputed king of dc

  6. not to take sides, but whether koma can rock an outline or not, at least he writes under his own name, critisims would be much more credible if the critic would not hide behind a ficticious internet name.


    if you got enough balls to say shit here, have enough balls to say who is saying, otherwise you look stupider than you think you are making koma look.


    cast oners

    kgb bdp hbomb cts cpk


    ps. hey if that is tres hbomb that sent me a shoutout? tell him hello for me.

  7. more shit, teachings 101


    what we have to look at here is the difference between being a vandal and an artist. as for myself, i always considered myself a vandal, my thrill of graffiti was not to do art but the illegality of it, the thrill of the chase, the way your senses get streched to the max while one is out bombing. there were 2 reasons why i wouldnt piece very often, one is that i get bored easily on one spot, and the other is that, for as much as one bombs there are always haters trying to get fame of going over, and i encountered that a lot, like a said earlier, in the "wall fo fame" my shit sometimes wouldnt last a day, but my shit on the street was always left untouched. but just for that reason, toys will always be toys, and kings will always be kings. if you take this to other cities its often that usually the person that is up the most rarely pieces, there are exceptions, but for me i would rather use my cans writing CAST 20 times than on a double outline, this is not to say that piecing is wrong, but its just a separate kick, especially those people that paint only legal spots, to me painting is a privilegde that has to be earned, back in like 91 when the wall of fame was called AUP, the location was kept secret, except fot those in the crew(which i was never part of) and it was perfect in the sense that they controlled who went in and out of that place, and there was no paiting on the side that you can see from 14 st as to not give any indication that it existed. those kids pieced, but found illegal spots to do it, but they also bombed and hard, MESK was a crazy ass bomber if there was one, CYCLE always put it down, SMK did major damage both on the walls and on the streets, and there are many others, DAH and RUST, then came the next generation, which im part of, with MOC/MATA, FELON, SOPE, BUDA and a couple other kids, but those original kids had it controlled pretty well, us toys at the time, were taught the codes of graff and bombing and respect, and there were MCA night out when 20 kids would attack the city all in a mob destroying everything we could find, WAKE which was my inspiration destroyed the city, theres wasnt a trash can WAKE wasnt up on, there were kids with so much style like ETCH, from whom FELON got his inspiration, that would show you the way, and most of it got lost somehow, partly in fault with us older kids that in a way broke the chain of teaching, but also because the newer generations came up thinking thta they knew it all already. countless kids have gotten beat up because they figured the best way to get fame was for going over someone, kids that never painted in their life would get a can and cross out somebody that had been painting for years, and it happened at the wall of fame, there are pieces that should still be there, from those people that found the spot and are part of the history of dc graf, but toys would throw a tag on a MESK piece, or a REMER piece, or a CYCLE, SMK, or even WAKE, and the next toy would paint over it because it had a tag on it and thats how we loose the identity of not knowing who the people that came before us,

    im sure some might not even know some of the names of the people that i mentioned, and there are a bunch of other, some of the people i wrote about i had beef over the years, but theres always will always be respect, one can have beef and respect someone, i would love to get be able to be back in DC and bomb the hell out of the city, its actually the thing i miss the most, when i knew i was getting locked up, the previous 2 weeks before my sentencing date i bombed as hard as i could, knowing that i might never bomb there again, only the night before i stopped, only to get some and get ready to go away, you have the opportunity to still bomb, you have the chance to make a name, to be king, and theres nothing better than than, to king a city.



    kgb, hbomb, cts, bdp, cpk, ftp, mca original, zulu king.

  8. here i be


    well ,im finally here, a friend of mine actually told me about this board yesterday so here i be. from what i see and talk to people still in dc, i hear this kid coma irs has been bombing like crazy, and form what i read i see that hes got the right attitude.


    legal walls are for suckas, when i bombed it became fashion to go get walls "legalized" after i had bombed them and with that excuse, now if you aint got enough balls to go bombing at night then there no right for you to be up on that wall, its that simple, obviously in my case any legal wall that was done over something i had done illegally was dissed.

    most peope that know me ask me if i still bomb and i dont, the reason is that if i were to bomb i would have to go out everyday and kill shit, and im not really sure if i want to get into all that again, all that know me know my story and if not you probably heard some bullshit version, but regardless, i bomb to king shit, and i couldnt do it half assed.


    this internet shit is kinda funny, it reminds me when i bombed and aup was a semi legal wall/tunnel to call it that, and suckas would diss me there but my shit on the street would always run, it was really ridiculous, i mean, its easy to talk or diss the easy way, but the reality is in the street. the only one that really ever dissed me on the streets was blue, yeah a girl, she got hers, but she also got my respect.


    cast 144 kgb, cts, hbomb, mca original, ftp, cpk, zulu king.


    peace to cert, halo, ultra, exacto, remer, mesk, buda, even, mist, kest, kelt wherever you are, smk, cdd, cram, care, taint, and all the kids that been here for me all these years, they knew they couldnt fuck with our team.


    and a big fuck you to clear (always had to look for bodyguards fake ass toy), myner (got tired of getting beat up), evade (coward), ruler (i gave you your name, your style, and your hand, remember that) and to all the toy riding the dick.


    respect the old shit, but keep on bombing, thats all.


    straight outta shaw...

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