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Everything posted by emul

  1. thanks for biting your fingers chumpawhompa . . . and for the advice . . .I'm off to huff some paint thinner....
  2. How do you guys mix the etch stuff.... I bought some for the first time... Its like a sandy gritty paste stuff. I mixed it with my typical rusto/paint thinner mix and shit started boiling up and smoking. Smelled real funny. Then I started having halucinations.... The stuff never really mixed well... the etch stuff clumped up and got all bubbly and crusty... Ok. So this isnt how I mix stuff with the etch cream.... how you do it? Etch + Water ??? Etch and just paint? no paint thinner? Boiling Chemicals....
  3. emul

    Wash DC

  4. emul

    Wash DC

    real hardcore thug ass painters bust white niggas on the arm! take that Koma IRS...Incest Reveled Stupidity http://www.famnation.org/1_spray_paint_tats.jpg'>
  5. emul

    Wash DC

    dumb kids with spraypaint
  6. emul

    Wash DC

    All this shit talking is redicoulouewkzsmss. You guys actually get on the comp to talk all this shit. I thought this was a place to get up with other graff peps and show off some flixs. You guys are just a bunch of silly ass panty wastes. Koma, ok you do alot of cheesy ass fill ins. get over it. your not gods gift to graffiti. Ha. this talking shit thing is fun. Grab the bull by the horns and bring him down.
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