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Everything posted by darthvandal

  1. Proudly Boosting Spray Kans! Pushin Bitchs South Kid! Puffin Blunts So Kindly! Peanut Butter SandWhich Killas! Pleased By Steady Krushing! Pimpin Bitches Spraying Krylon! Phucking Bombing Shit Korrectly! Pullin/Pimpimg Bitches Since Kindergarten! Thats just to name a few......
  3. WOW someone finally saying some smart shit on this thread.....im SHOCKED!!!! And those BONUS and DEPTHS fr8's are ILL!
  4. thats shit is stupid fresh...you should color the carac....
  5. bump for the chick with the rose in here hair.good stuff
  6. whens the haste battle due? im gonna get in on it...perhaps
  7. heres my beer peice.....i want in on that rust throw battle too...gimme a few hours or so and ill put one up.
  8. yo peoples, im gonna have my beer in tonight or maybe tomarrow, i got it finished i just dont got any batteries for my cam, i hope more fools finish there beer peices cause i spent alot of time on my shit to make this a good battle, so yeah only a few days left to post! HURRRRRYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. fresh as balls^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  10. geez, i didn't expect for the beer battle to blow up like dat, anyhow, seems like its gonna be aq dope battle...all i gotta say is bring the heat....lets make this battle as ill a we can -werd
  11. yo, im gonna start a new battle since theres no open ones -the werd - beer -color -no caracs or anything due - dec. 23 if no one joins then i will just battle myself, this battle is realy only so i can peice a different werd then my name. werd!
  12. twisted with the freshness^^^^^^^^^^^^66
  13. ^^^^that first bates peice was really dissapointing.....im just not fealin that for some reason....everything else is dope though
  14. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^my god dude, that made my day.....dopest thing i've seen on this site in a long while.....major props
  15. the third one on the last flick post made me cream in my shorts when i saw it....major props on the real
  16. hey starz, you guys should start another tournement, that shit was hella fun, but this time you should have prizes......i'll put up money if you want or sumthing, that shit would be dope as fuck....
  17. just thought id drop a few sketches
  18. so did the resulsts for the tourney ever come in or...??
  19. god damn i know im having a fucking ball with this tourney and this last peice may just be the entrie i loose the lead on...ixtab was an extremley challenging werd for me but i gots it done...ps im not exactly sure when we can start posting the piece entry's but, starz care to shed some light on the matter?
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