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Posts posted by adobe

  1. The fact you are quoting and replying is pretty contridictary :chicken:


    the fact you have to go on to a public forum and talk shit just so everyone can see so you can defend this make believe rep you have for ur self in your own head just shows me (and everyone else who knows your a attention seeking lieing socialite toy) how much of a turd you really are. it must bother you that much you have to make a post out of the blue on the internet??thats pretty fucked up, and amusing.

    I would elaborate on your shit talk and seprate fact from fiction, but il leave sounding like a fuckhead for you (but by the end of this rant il look as stupid as u tho :P) only reason im bothering to write this is because i keep getting told about it, i barelly go on here anymore. since uv gone to the effort of going to a public forum to inform (attempt to impress) ppl you'll probably never meet in ur life about some stupid shit that no one even cares about... i may aswell do the same! didnt work very well tho, what did u expect?? "oh man creas ur so dope tell me more tell me more!!".unlike you im not here to impress anyone or boost my 'social status', my friends know me very well dont worry about that mate.its like you lie so much you believe yourself?!?

    shortly after this im sure you'll reply with one of ur try to be intellectual comebacks, when really you should keep ur trap shut because your probably as much as a fuckhead as me or anyone else who pays attention to this shit!knock ur self out with replies if u want tho i wont be reading them, ul get no reaction from me which i know is what u try to seek whenever u decide to talk. go suck some dick on the 'bench' mate, melbourne needs a few more hipsters.:D


    apologies to anyone who actually comes heres to look at graffiti and ends up having to read this crap!

  2. rest in peace maciver hall of fame wall.. how long ago was that demolished? only realised yesterday. another important piece of perth history GONE. assholes. would be nice to see some flicks of it if anyone has it, sure someone would..

  3. wtf r u on about? u got on to saying that fecks new stuff is not 'real' graffiti. then u said ppl who spend alot of money on paint to do a piece are 'gay cunts' implying u do the complete opposite, then somehow in turn because of pointing this out I will end up having a generic boring style and only will paint stuff that i think ppl will enjoy, even tho ur the person who is objecting to his latest work? well u obviously give a shit if u didnt ud appreciate what hes doing for the sheer fact that it is good and not say anything...great theory

  4. very retarded.. obviously feck wouldnt be able to achieve the quality of his pieces with exports killrusts and all the rest because it would be physically impossible to get the same quality and colours that u do with ironlak anyone who has used it enough will know u can only do so much with it. if i were an amazing artist i too would invest in better tools to perform and perfect my trade but im not so i use whatever, theres nothing wrong with spending good money on paint if u r going to make the most of it, if i had that ability i would too,so respect the architecht! even if alot of ppl had ample time and great paint to use i dont think it would really make that much of a difference in the final product, u see terrible pieces in nice paint at dayspots all the time.its all about the experience and skills of the artist.not just having great paint. i highly doubt u guys claiming 'real men use exports' actually do a mostly racked/cheap paint scheme,ur prob referring to the export chrome u probably brought to do ur latest day spot piece, infact next to no one does here these days besides a very small handful of ppl.

  5. it looks like 2 different pieces, found a cool C couldnt find the other letters to suit it, or couldnt use your own imagination to finish it off properly, so u do some S that is completely opposite to the style u were originally going for. fuck yeah

  6. once again, fucken hell. keep them coming! loving the photo of the zoro in edgewater tunnels before the freeway was completed on the other page, shows how desolate those areas once were not too long ago.

  7. jesus. possibly the best post ive seen on here.. so many things that deserve a 'bump'.. famesux do u mind posting the whole of that joondy underpass mode 2 wall with the characters of them running away from the train? much appreciated mate.

  8. bles will eat you up shit you out kick your dog tag ur mum and dads house and the family car. seriously. none of you guys trying to talk shit here to this man would ever try to do it in REAL life, so why bother on here? oh yeah hes prob up alot more than you r too. find something better to bitch about fuckheads least he does somethign and doesnt have some style soley developed through the use of the interweb.

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