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Posts posted by soulkillers

  1. dear almighty might might


    your mini man is adorable. and ur woamn is awesome. thnak u for being a friend.

    plus your baby makes me want my newsest addition to be born now. its that new babt smell


    souls of the lost

  2. a buddy of mine bartends at a concert spot that just had icp. he said it smelled of meth bo and abortions.....and they got banned from playing their due to shity fans and sprayin faygo all over stage. and out of the 1000 plus people there the only hot chick was a soild 5 and she was a news reporter....

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  3. dear baby mama


    for once i can thank you for your lack of puncatlity. you being late saved my and my daughters from being in the grand stands at yesterdays air race. u may have saverd us from harm by your lack of smarts and for this i thank you..


    souls aka your baby daddy



    dear lee



    rip in peace mr race pilot your actions saved many of people and a few of my friends from death..


    souls one of your fans

  4. my dearest children


    dad loves you.i am so very proud of you all. s you are now in 9th grade. you are doing well and i am proud that you have decied to stay out of trouble and really try hard this year to make the grades and get the education to be better than your mom and I ..even though you are far away from your brother and sisters we love you and are always with you in spirt..


    k this is your last year in elementary school make it great one. i know that u will be on the honor roll again and you will try to learn the balance between sports and school . you made me so proud and happy that you want to keep playing ball and wan to go to collage. keep strong and you will do it.


    lil k. second grade. u like your teacher and she has watched you grew since you were 3 yrs old. your humor and the way you look at life makes dad happy that i didnt fuck up too bad as a parent. you have had the hardest time of all since daddy and mommy split. i know you will make honor roll again this year even though you get mad at other little girls for being mean to you. rember to always smile and be yourself. people love you for the jokes and laughs you make..


    my little man. you are growing so much and talking better everyday. i know u have been sad latley everyday because your mom has been out of the picture for the last few months. you are a handsome lil man. i know you want to go to school but u have a few years everyday u will see your sister and when your mom gets better you sill see your brother and sister from her..



    truly happy and proud of you 4 dad loves you. i thank you everyday for making me be the person and parent i am. having you all has made me grow and mature. i know where i would be in life if i didnt have any of you to make my laugh cry smile angry worry and plan for the our familys growth..


    love and warmth


    your dad

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