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Everything posted by neVR.KAwt

  1. http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/canvases/DSC00388.jpg'>
  2. either paparot-c or yellowfeets... not too sure... nah id say poparot-c..!
  3. http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/millatown%20inkage/meika-kola-proddy.jpg'> http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/millatown%20inkage/amorwunerz.jpg'>
  4. http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/canvases/willie.jpg'>
  5. http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/canvases/DSC00359.jpg'> :o :o sloppy ass shytt...
  6. http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/canvases/james.jpg'> kinda crappy flick, the first half is all blurry.. but u can get the gist of it..:crazy:
  7. http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/canvases/abr__shasteen.jpg'> for ma chyk..:crazy: :crazy:
  8. http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/millatown%20inkage/picture_006.jpg'>' my homee amor drew this shytt, says heist...
  9. http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/canvases/FAiNT-AMoR-infrared.jpg'> FAiNT AMOR -infrared!
  10. zone & ryke...!! both of those r the best canvases ive seen from u guys yet...!! maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddd fuken clean!!:king:
  11. laybeuh damn yo, that shytt is so simple.. but sumthin about it jus fuken keeps my eyes stuck to that shytt...!! im fuken totally diggin that shytt...!! maybe its the colors.. -idk... dope canvas though.. dope...
  12. "-yes indeedee, i do graffiti..." http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/millatown%20wallz/gold1.jpg'>
  13. http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/millatown%20inkage/faintamor-amor.jpg'>
  14. http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/millatown%20inkage/DSC00062.jpg'>
  15. ur rite.. no more shytt talk, this is lame as fuk..! but u still havent shown me any of UR WORK that is stomping mines out...!! so how can u say my graff is garbage when u cant show any of urs that is better..??? -all im sayin is, dont talk shytt unless ur doin better...! but thats enuff no more talk, jus post ur flix an keep my name out ur mouth.. and ill do the same aight...?? 1
  16. when the fuk did i say that ur shytt was a waste of a canvas??? u stupid lil fuken cunt!! ur the only bitch on here tryina start talkin shytt.. so shut the fuk up.. if u dont lyke my canvases then fuken dont look at umm... or else post sum shytt of UR shytt thats better than mines.. besides that.. SHUT the fuk up!! cuz if i did say anything lyke that.. then u prolly DID do sum fuken wackass canvas.. u dumb lil irritating fuken cunt!!
  17. http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/canvases/pias.jpg'>
  18. im lykin that black enter, an that green one is fuken off the hook yo...!! hey yo, u should try lyke.. for ur shading/3d wateverz.. when the letters r overlapping dont do shading ontop of another letter... u get wat im sayin...?? it sounds fukt up an confusing to me.. :lol: but yea, that green one is fuken ill!! oh..!! and did u do a double outline...?? i couldnt really tell.. if u DID, u should try using a BRIGHTER color... something that has nothing to do with ur piece an shytt so it stands out an u can REALLY see it, but besides that.. shytt is lookin dope...!! (by the way is that the black one that i said i thought u should paint..?)
  19. yea, but sorry dawg... i already got a buyer...:o :o
  20. http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/canvases/DSC00117.jpg'>
  21. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00411042f00000045.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00411042f00000046.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00411042f00000047.jpg'> here ya go..
  22. word, i c where ur comin from..! thas fuken really great help for the peopo with watever u said they have.. i jus hope everyone else understands wat ur doin, lyke me..!
  23. damn yo, ryke shytt is ill!! get at me on aim: ugiweyh http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/canvases/noeballz.jpg'> http://img25.photobucket.com/albums/v76/meedoman/canvases/faintawtom.jpg'>
  24. shiet.... that IS a waste of a perfectly good canvas...!!
  25. dope dope dope..!!! keep it up, LOVIN the steeze too..!
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