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Everything posted by DagmarOnasis

  1. This is all for today.. The real world is calling as my hangover fades. Bles Bias Anok Amaze Some Felon Airoh Dag'ster
  2. Wiz Twist Muni Icey Emuse D.O III
  3. A few more.. Cycle Cycle Bisie Bias Amaze D.O 3rd Esq.
  4. ..... Felon Oze Lept Fate DGMRONSS
  5. Some more.. Tempt Log Tags Rem Dagmar
  6. Sorry about some of the shitty quality scans.. Zes Trust Revok Log KR Benet Dagmar Onasis III
  7. some more.. Atom S something?? Sea Jade Isee Cram Dagmar.
  8. So I have all these flicks from the mid to late 90s from SF. I figured it was time to show them so I will post a few here and there from time to time.. Enjoy. Tempt Side Quake Evade Is this ESA? D?? Blis Atom
  9. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=515642196227308929 This dude is dope as fuck. I wish I could do that shit. The fuckin possibilities. Dagmar
  10. paris, i miss you. <3 always, DagmarOnasis III.
  11. what the fuck was klevr thinking.. lame.
  12. are you serious?! who admits to killing people if there is even a SHRED of hope in beating the case. if all it takes to be innocent is to deny the charges against you then there's not one guilty person in the entire penal system. im not saying im a huge supporter of the death penalty as there are inherent flaws in it. however, let someone kill your parents, wife, kids or friend, and then let the police catch the person who did it and tell me how much you are against it then. if someone destroys the lives of others including those left behind to deal with the aftermath of the murder then they too should pay with their lives. eye for an eye. just my opinion.. dagmaronasis
  13. well, you need to do your homework. the Alert from boston KILLED it and deserves his recognition. even if you only care about sf then you STILL need to give the boston Alert his credit. he did his thing even if you are too young to know/remember. im not trying to start a lame internet argument with you, im just letting you know 'cause i do remember. dagmar.
  14. i'm not talking shit.. i'm stating facts. you said that style is "easy". i'm saying to do it right, like any style, it is'nt easy. if its so easy lets see some of your ill pieces with it. just do one piece to prove me wrong. it'll be fun.. "easy" even.. dag'ster
  15. you're trippin with that "emo style is easy to do." any style is easy to *attempt* but to do it well you cant just throw some checks and arrows into a straight letter and think its a success. also a word of advice... before you say ANY style is "easy" you should master the one you are trying in the first place, and judging by these pics you got some work to put in with your "tough guy" style. dagster..
  16. Bump Fake & Gorey!! CF! Dagster..
  17. you know who... best buff job ever. dagmar onasis III
  18. its posts like this that will come back to haunt you in a few years, if youll even still care about graff by then. dagmar
  19. if anyone is down for the sfc they dis any tourist coming through our town even more so if its some hiv infected homo from new york. :hatred: Quoted post [/b] ok, in that case YOU will need to dis all of AWR, MSK, DMS, PCF, TKO, CKT, etc etc. im sure you are ready for that challenge right? i mean you did say you were "down for the sfc." right? go get em tiger. dagster
  20. Its really funny to me how many opinions there are on this thread. Yet I would bet that out of the 100 opinions there are only 5 of you who REALLY paint SF and even deserve to have an opinion in the first place. I know this wont change a fuckin thing but I am sick of seeing this kind of shit. You have no idea the kind of shit you little fuckers stir up on the street by talking your asses off online hidden behind a computer screen. Im sure you dont care but thats only because you dont know any better. Well, learn. Go paint and paint HARD then see if you feel like coming on here day after day and running your mouths off. Talking shit about Stak? Vic20? PCF? CKT? 99percent of you will never do half the shit theyve done and probably dont have the balls to even if you were good enough. Just because you know the latest gossip about writers in your city doesnt make you apart of the "scene", it actually makes you look like your mothers buying the latest soap opera digest so you can gossip about all my children with some authority in your sewing cirlces. Come on now, you know im right. Sketch more, paint more, rack more, drink more, talk less. Dagmar Onasis
  21. the way he captures lights is amazing. dagster
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