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Posts posted by allnitediner

  1. because man. serch needs money too. and vh1 is THE place to get money. especially if you aren't that relevant anymore.


    to be honest, everyone but juelz and fat joe probably just needed a paycheck. those two just wanted to get high and laugh at these fucks.




    or im wrong. and serchlight production does big numbers. and detroit freestyling pays better then ford motor.



    but i doubt it.





    john brown is right though. fucking icp BEASTING on the independent game. who knew?

  2. im not even going to lie.


    i'd rock the hollaback sweatshirt.



    and with better production and a lil wayne feature, maybe dudes single wont blow.





    my boy jus though... calling la peace a snitch. im surprised he made it out. at least persia could have come up with some styles p lines to battle with.

  3. its my new goal in life to one day have a redbull vending machine in my home.


    i want one so fucking bad.


    my girlfriend keeps trying to find a way to get me one, because she knows it will make me love her.


    to no avail. fuck rob and big.

  4. Nope, Show was dope! so kiss myass... But yeah this seasons a tad weird...

    anyways The bitches on there are hot like katlin, followed now buy slutty mum!... fuck i could see that big mouth around my big dick!

    i was wondering.. maybe... we could put this dude in the undertones thread all-time list.



    because his name is meateater, you know.



    oh and he liked the oc.

  5. dude should have reminded dr phil that he'd be nothing without oprah. being that she put him on years ago, and oprah is a decendant of midas.



    and if dr. phil would have just admitted that he refuses to be openly mocked on his own show, it would have been a lot more respectable then claming he hadn't seen any tape beforehand.

  6. three olives has a grape vodka that, when combined with red bull, tastes like a fucking jolly rancher. incredible.



    haven't i heard that if you put popov through a carbon filter a few times, you get goose?



    belvedere, by preference, though.

  7. i want to seen In Pursuit of Happiness


    im seeing this opening night. i read about it forever ago along with an interview with the man who is the basis for the movie. true story. looks good.



    and i like will smith movies. is that wrong?

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