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Flip Flops

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Everything posted by Flip Flops

  1. Here some old new ones......1994-1998 Stolen from the archives 1994 1997 1998
  2. http://www.nola.com/business/index.ssf/2011/11/failed_hotel_at_canal_and_clai.html see ya........
  3. why are we not clowning right now....miss you!!!!!!
  4. Beef?!?! shut the fuck up....whoever is in our way, we will get!!!!!!!! This is about a human being that ment alot to us! This has nothing to do with graffiti, this was our friend our homie. Happy mother fucking birthday!!!!! Miss ya...
  5. All you morons should read this..... http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=135381
  6. I miss ya, I see your number in my phone and i want to call you!!! I miss your laugh and i just want you to come to my house and drive me crazy. I miss my friend, fuck graffiti, I MISS MY FRIEND!!!
  7. This is very sad, Rest In Peace my friend.
  8. seriously, does it get any better than this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBlvjtfpPAg this is pretty ridiculous too...
  9. 3 Cocksucking Vandels??? Thats a horrible picture, but hilarious.
  10. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Holy smokes, killing it!!!
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