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Everything posted by BloodKlot

  1. getting better jerome. .......while I'm here. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid78/p683d53fd42095fc7938c6fea98046169/fb295529.jpg'> poster and sticker, depending on my mood. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid77/p79d0095bef9c27ec9cb1cafae1134c46/fb3b1b8a.jpg'> terrorist kit
  2. I don't know why I look in here. I just get frustrated. I want all you kids to come over to my house for a bar b Q, I'll show you the way of the force, we have some beers, paint the boards in the yard and schudule the next meating.repeat.... Eventually you'll kick ass and know all the secrets of the sword, then i make you a soldier and we go own some shit.
  3. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/pa7d3ea8e6d76e2e67b4569c0f75e092a/faf1fac4.jpg'> http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/p7a86ce7bfb3bf158997f4be2f4fba250/faf1fab9.jpg'> Group sex.......what do you expect? I'm sleep deprived.
  4. wait....postal stickers are free and streaks are about five bucks. How am i winning in this situation?
  5. First off, nobody owes you stickers. This is the internet not a trading show. But hey maybe I'll get some shit together and send em if you're willing to wait like a week.
  6. :rolleyes: You're giving advise???:lol:
  7. Old ass sticker..... http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/p1ad349e0a776e7b0bd81279cf1600ee5/faf725a9.jpg'>
  8. Yes. Yes i am.....Naw I've just been in the game too long, next summer will make 7 serious years. I've been taking my progress slow and it has paid off. Thanks for the kind words
  9. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/p34d8b4499f3327c739b3d18f527f7bdb/faf72a3e.jpg'> drunken calligraphy.
  10. JERRY- Those stickers lick balls, I see your intellect didn't come in a package deal taped to a sense of style. What did those poor stickers do to deserve that. gotta go my bowl of fuck is getting cold.
  11. Cerified on the ways of the sword. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/p0661307d2d6c815fe8fe6f998106a1ff/fafeb1d3.jpg'>
  12. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/p7e7211ad8c670b36a4b1238308a0f987/fb0122c5.jpg'> Just decided to kill some time, don't really like it but it kept me busy.
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....oh god...i...think i broke someting..........
  14. I like that teddy bear looking guy. I drew one of those a little while ago. Here ya go.
  15. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid77/p84f8a8b26c44e37dca9b032615d47fc5/fb3f43c4.jpg'> Lame ass sticker, I was really let down by my handstyle. The bitch is still going up though.
  16. Hell yeah, I still have a little UE simple that was filled in with blood. Ah the good old days.
  17. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid75/p13746ec3bbadc831d0df67415f0f8fdc/fb52d59a.jpg'> These suck too but oh well. I've really been in a rut lately. Fuck you though, I can still burn you, or kick your ass!!!........... i guess i've overeacted, no YOU'Ve overreacted!!!Fuck you you son of a..........just breathe.i need beer.
  18. Hey I started a new page... Oh yeah, we work around my schedule not yours, give me some time, you'rre not the only one I am showing shit to.
  19. etchwe:blong http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid75/pc1a60fac4a54fafd38ae853fb494e851/fb548611.jpg'> swiming in my own misery, i drown in the screams of the innocent and the undying evil
  20. ooooooooooh. i want lots of those. I'll trade you, what you want?
  21. i didnt think you were mocking me i was just suprised that you can't tell the difference between a b and a t
  22. you gotta be fuckin kidding me, can't you read. Or is it just me
  23. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid73/p7a41391b3a3a9134d3c24e155170adc9/fb67b715.jpg'> I REALLY don't like this sticker but i'm almost finished it and there's nothing else to do so here you go.
  24. HEY DRUNK those are mine right? you get my package yet?
  25. True there are cases like Ewok. But they both burn, and dont write oner after their name. Just like I know there are people with my name, but it's not the most common and I know for a fact I have the style capability to defend my title. I guess, I just think that it's nice to find a name that is original enough that guys like me wont point it out. Especially when you are an entry level writer (aka those who arent "ill" as you put it).
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