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Posts posted by Stomah

  1. I don't care how skilled most of you are. You're all fucking retarded. This is the STICKER thread. And usually Hecz is the one that is like "please take all the chatter out of my thread, it's for stickers" But since he is a part of it this time, it just keeps going on and on. So all of you shut up in this thread unless you have stickers to post, and if you feel the need to prove how awsome you are at graffiti, take it to the battle thread. Thats what it's there for.




    Here is some new ones, just so I have something to post with my comments.


  2. You should get mine tommorow I think Destruction.

    And Milton: I am usually just looking at everything to see if a sticker would look good on it, and as i'm walking up I start to peel. Hooded sweatshirts with the big pouch in the front are nice so nobody can really tell what you are doing if it's day time.



    Post something if ya got it...

  3. Originally posted by intak

    Hey stomah, thats a nice canvas... someone I used to write with used to write kylo... interesting...


    I don't write Kylo, I just put it on my paintings. Where are you from? Cause I know of a Kylo from Minnesota.

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