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Posts posted by Stomah

  1. Not sticker related, but what the hell. I dont care. I made to really bad Slowpoke shirts. If anyone would like to check them out go to the slowpoke link below.. I couldn't post the image on here from geocities, and i didnt feel like dealing with fotango.

    I need money for a screen printing kit.


    And just so this post isn't completly out of context, Dbd I saw a sticker on SN of yours, I think Abe Jr. or someone had posted it, but it was the bobs that were conjoined at the head, and i thought it was way too creative. Great Job!

  2. DBD said everything i would have said to answer your question Micro. All of mine are done free handed. I have made that face so many times that i could do it perfectly in my sleep, and like DBD said, it is just a little differnt everytime, and i think it just gives them thier own kind of personality. I will eventually do some stuff on computers, but that'll be later on.

    Nice shots of Bob in London. Once i catch up on all the people i owe stickers, and other stuff, i would love to trade with Jet-Pac

  3. I put up about 40 stickers lastnight, but these are the only pictures i got at the moment. i will get the rest later on today.









    And about the digicams. I had an "oldschool" one from like 2000, that was all big and clunky, and then i dropped it off a trian into a pile of snow and it died on me. So then i bought a new Kodak 5.0 mega pixel digi cam for about $500 and it's really nice, but i am broke as hell now.

  4. Awsome. Do you ever have your girlfriend make some stickers? My girl will make some with me every once and a while. They are all flowers and girly handwritting that say Jamify. She isnt that artistic, but they are fun to put up cause i have way too many stickers.


    Ha, we should make our girlfriends trade stickers or some shit.

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