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Posts posted by Pinup

  1. i just came back from playing football for the first time in months and damn i'm in pain. and i was lousy. good fun though.


    can't wait for the CL to start up again, especially Lyon against Man U, i really want to see Lyon pull off an exploit, with their youngsters Benzema and Ben Arfa looking reaaaaaally good at the moment.


    and for the Euro, anyone here thinks that France WON'T take it? C'mon...

  2. holy shit, its pinup.




    Pinup wears velcro shoes. But he's excellent people. Even for a Frenchman. Come and visit me in Vancouver. I'll repay you for the restaurant we ditched out on in Paris.


    What happened to you anyway? You disappeared off the face of the earth. Hit me up on MSN.


    those velcro shoes are finished. i'm back to boring old laces, but same model of shoe (5th consecutive pair). dude, the trip i'm just starting is sucking the cash out of me, but when i'm rich then america and canada will come high on the list. believe.


    what happened to me? meh, just got a bit busier i guess.


    yo pinup.


    i remember chilling with you. thanks for hooking me up with that bed, and the dirtiest washroom ive ever used in my life. but your homie was rad, even tho he insisted on watching nine episodes of the simpsons in french at 3 am.


    i also enjoyed, the sandwich shop we went to, falling on my ass on the subway, and missing the train at gare du nord, but being helped out by an equally nice french version of 2pac.


    haha i remember you looking exhausted as fuck after travelling and my friend then insisting we watch the simpsons (in french). and then you tried to sit down in the subway and missed the seat. awesome.

  3. last i heard he was in the states, but that might have been just for a sec.

    if you havent gotten ahold of him yet, get at me and ill hook up some myspace links.


    just sent him a message through myspace courtesy of ABC. we shall see.

  4. hey


    god knows how long it's been since i've posted here but maybe some semi-OGs remember me. i salute them.


    this is a quick message to ask if anybody knows what has become of iquit and if he's still in Hong Kong?

    i'm making my way over there thursday for a couple of days.


    iquit if you read this: i dont need a place to crash. just to drink. and maybe paint. get at me!

  5. Today at work i had to deal with this old man whose daughters account had been blocked because the daughter having recently died, we were unable to get money out of her bank.


    I felt like such shit explaining to this guy the deal.


    He kept telling me "you're a horrible person" and i could just say "i'm sorry, i'm only explaining the procedure" blah blah blah.

  6. I had a job interview for a computer hotline.


    I had to pass this knowledge test and succeeded, in part thanks to Glik0.


    After that i had an interview with some dude who seemed to think my availabilities were not enough for the time they would want me to work.


    And that was with me exaggerating my availabilites in the first place. Fuck. I should have lied more. Gay.

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