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Everything posted by Hank

  1. ummmm..... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp...
  2. One fine night Wink and I were doing simples kind of where that weird highlighted spot is. we were truckin' along and around 15 drunk people came running down the stairs on the left. They kept yelling "Oh shit, oh shit! Yo Yo it's the graffiti guys yo!!! Oh shit!" We finished our pieces, enjoyed some of their MadDog and left... Just one of those random memories
  3. ancient history here. so many fab memories. i wish i had flicked my pieces. idiot move for sure...
  4. it's been ripped a few times. makes for a fresh background...
  5. Hell ya Veto! some of these I never got flix of. Cheers!
  6. Inside Old Friends.......... HA!
  7. lowercase "e"! like McDonalds...."I'm lovin' it"
  8. i don't remember wearing that but, they say, meth is a hellofa drug...
  9. you got it. when we did it the ladder fell after we were up which made for some class A paranoia
  10. global warming made this possible
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