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Posts posted by magotsofdef

  1. then I suggest in the future just leave my name out of whatever you want to complain about. better yet, just leave my name and my friends out your mouth and we'll be alright. stay impartial if that's what you want.

  2. yo Aims, you make me laugh as well...funny man. next time you go over fools you can be man enough to fess up to it. ther's not much more to talk about...but I got your # if you want to chit-chat...

  3. fuck all the beef talk, do something next time you see me or shut the fuck up. i don't care about you little faggots in houston anymore. ya'lls is all full of shit like a 15 year old drama prom queen...

  4. oh yeah, and as for stripes, BIG AIMS, quit dixk riding and mebbe you'd earn some...hahaha. and don't talk shit on me or my crew either...I'l;l kick your ass worse than Bryer did hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    as much shit as you talk on that kid, and that kid got you caught and pegged...hahaha

  5. well, gee whiz...who's word should we believe? a kid, or some crackhead fuckers who can't keep it straight in their own hometown and can't whip noone's ass unless they got their crew with em? come on...I'm tired of this shit...too much bullshit....blah blah blah....or should we listen to some kid who claims to be neutral and goes over fools' trains...you know, TALLBOY AIMS...going over me and Goose and won't fess up to it...it's ok...everyone in Birmingham knows about your dislike for SFR and your jocking your name from my homeboy...it's aight...no biggee....and as for former crew members...I'll stand by my crew over some lightbulb-smoking out of crackhead faggots like you run with. and it's aight, son....unless anyone doesn't know, this kid AIMS jocked his name straight up from my homeboy Daze in Birmingham...be a little more original, son...don't front and act neutral and try to pull shit thinking we won't see our own trains. too bad you ain't got shit runnin for us to go over. Go to Birmingham and paint, see if it runs....there ain't nothin running there of yours now...haha

  6. 097978jy.jpg


    what's up with this shit anyways? this is some of the most boo-boo shit i ever seen in my life...come on dude...come on...what are you? ten? hahaha....mebbe i should have said nine or eight... were you all amped out or cracked out when you did this? come on....grow up, get some fucking style...this is the wackest shit i ever seen...

  7. awwwwww....i think you're the one starting the internet geek shit, fag...you got an all new e-mail and everything....hahahaha....hate me, please!!! i didn't get my new years kiss from you either, mebbe next time i see you we can make up for lost time....fucking faggot.

  8. you and your friends are soooo hard, it takes 3 of em to beat up a scrawny highschool kid. gangster dude, gangster. get heated, get all your boys heated, i don't give a fuck. you guys are silly. someone needs to give you a stuffed animal...and use my screen name all you want on here, bad publicity is still publicity...you little sweetcheeks you....

  9. get angry fool...i think its funny because you wouldn't do a damn thing if you saw me. and at least i don;'t have a bunch of fake ass wanna be gangster tattoos...you're sooooooo hard....hahaha

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