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zemdoe sc

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Posts posted by zemdoe sc

  1. i met resk in new york.first time i see him he's doing a daytime outline on a construction trailer near the bowrey.i think to myself ok this dudes crazy as me dig it.they had pieces in their back yard courtyard thing pretty dope.dudes were cool.he gave me a little bong hit and we went on our way.no one is crazyer than katsu,now thats one crazy asian.

  2. bump dote reb1 and inca


    yo kiddo.i think...i know the name rebel is taken.as in rebel style club.leave that name be cuz.dudes even writing rebel1.ahahahahha.toys yo,toys.

  3. its wack to even have to this, but in case those of you cant see how obvious it is, the poster "SHONUF" is clearly not mfone from my crew nsf. look at his posts, he is posting all mfone flicks and bragging that he is the best and dissing other people...all from a brand new account.


    it should be obvious to anyone that its fake, but i see some replying and catching feelings..so just for the record, thats not mfone posting his own shit. its some hater trying to start shit..he just started an entire thread about my crew, trying to do the same thing


    its wack to have to even reply about this, but just for the record anyone in nsf that is in frisco has respect for frisco and the local scene, and we would not tolerate someone in our crew taking this asshole cocky approach....so whatever sorry to bring words and not flicks but it had to be addressed because i have a lot of respect for frisco in general.


    -nise nsf's biggest snitch VP


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