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zemdoe sc

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Posts posted by zemdoe sc

  1. steelborgtrucker5.jpg


    dude is getting better with every year passing.hes clean as hell,and not too complicated.his letters are full of funk,but not to out there.still grounded and well based.if you dont have good letter structure you could use all the montana you want,but if your letters arent solid its just gonna look like a polished turd.and steel continues to impress me with his solid pieces.

  2. pepe was cool as shit.

    that get vamped thing is the truth,he will mike vick a mothafucka.he aint playin with that

    get vamped status.rebels like "bro he's cool as can be but he'll punch a dude dead in the jaw if your

    out of place."hahahahaha.i admire him alot.he always comes with fresh original styles.i think rime took

    alot of style from him around 99 and 2000.

    but i met him at a friends bbq and he was cool as cash.we talked about old and new

    polo.and auto racks.great guy from what i could tell.huge insperation.not to put him on blast

    but dude is highly under rated.i'd put him in my top five fr8 bombers of all time.

  3. damn dude got some nice flicks of that kair stuff.

    if you cme up in the 90's in philly kair was one of your hero's

    in graffiti.hands down.dude was amazing.wish he would stage a comeback.

  4. Re: Don't Call it Frisco


    i heard some shit about amaze bein a corner hopper.like he want to be in this crew and then a year later oh this crew has more rep im over here now.stufff like that.i met him back in the day like 97 when he was out here and he seemed nice enough.but that huge fill in is awesome.legal or not.he's done a few of those and they get attention like crazy.cause their dope.think about it.i dont know anyone that would say no to a store that said do a twenty foot tall fill in on the front of my place for me.oh ok sure no prob.i know i would.so i aint hatin.let dude shine i say.

  5. rest in peace ID->vip

    dude was a straight bomber.and got it in.graffiti misses people like him when they leave us to early.specialy in a lazy town were every one has a tag,but only a few bomb consistently over years at a time.drugs kill,its a fact.so many people are involved in drugs man.its a shame.but this is our lifestyle.and ideo GOT HIS REP.tags fillins here and there.but mostly tags in almost every neighborhood.like i said we and graffiti will miss ideo->viprez.

  6. pbj is dope.Hery is my brother and will stomp you out,but he'd rather not half too.cause he's on his grind.and has payed his dues.so give those that deserve it they propers.

  7. Re: Don't Call it Frisco


    hes right about the philly style.like right now its cool to rock gangster hands again.but i been around real old heads who get really pissed off seeing younger dudes write that way.like one occasion the guy was steaming mad saying he was gonna get his father to come down here and show them how to really write a gangster.cause in the 60's(his fathers era)thats when that style was booming.its like if you write that way in a certain neighbor hood people that understand style are gonna wonder why is he doing gangsters in my hood?is he really built like that?lets check him and see.its the same with writing top to bottoms.

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