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Posts posted by KERS

  1. i find the disgusting ones more fun and entertaining.

    the beers are cheaper, the woman are old and gross,

    and the music is bangin'.



    I like them somewhere in the middle..fuck the classy joints but fuck the ghetto ones,

    too...just give me the basics bro...no old bitches,no track marks,no strech marks,no minimums,no more than a $10 cover,and DEFINITELY none of this topless shit.I'm not paying 10 bucks to get to fuckin 2nd base...

  2. Re: Maine Funk


    Maine graff is definitely slept on.I was actually sleeping on it myself,but I was impressed with what I saw on my way to the Pinkerton Thugs reunion show in Portland.BUMP!

  3. Retarded name,terrible "throw",no hand...

    Is this seriously what passes as graff in 2007?I don't give a fuck who he knows or how many ups he's got,there's hundreds of other toys and art fags in just as many crews and with just as many spots,doesn't mean any of them are any good.Doing some stupid outline with stock caps and scribbling some tags with some sloppy 1st grade style penmanship and you get your own 12oz. thread 6 pages deep?Fuck that and fuck everyone that thinks you can make up for a complete lack of skills by hiding behind shit like this.

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