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swiss cheese

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Posts posted by swiss cheese

  1. ha


    is a waste and all about boosting you low self confidence

    That can be said about almost all graffiti.

    Write my name up big so everyone can see it!

    What's wrong with boosting ones self confidence anyway??

    Sounds healthy enough to me.

  2. And really, that's all that matters at the end of the day. Wouldn't you agree?

    Yeah I agree. I'm probably thinking too hard about it.

    I actually really enjoy most of Sonik's stuff. This one intrigues me also. I assume he's just trying to take graffiti back to it's roots, to cut away all the fancy tricks and techniques and write his name for fun without all the history that the graffit culture has built up for itself. I think it's ugly, but sometimes ugly is good. It can make you think alot more than something that is just being pretty for pretty's sake. BUT, let's not all start doing this. Regression is not a trend I like to see happen often. Paint for fun, but push what you are capable of in all avenues. na mean:mexican:

  3. Which one of you suckaz wants to battle the Cheese Grater?!

    I got more styles than a SWISS army Knife has blades.

    the word is.....CHEESE.

    (I swear I've never pieced that before, but pick another word if you're worried. It doesnt matter).

  4. damn that geezpot shit is ILL!

    The bottom part is so good I'll forget about the top lores vs. gspot part where the letters are kinda weak. I wish you would have left that top out and had "WAVE" being the top.

    hey Phyne I'm at work, but tonight, tomorrow, and tomorrow night I'm painting. I'll be busy.

  5. ha


    i thought this battle shit was supposed to be fun, and you guys get all pissed?

    My opinion: Hecs that response was dick raggin on that kids throwee when yours aint that Hot either. not cool, not cool.

    we all can see for ourselves, no need to blow up.

  6. You say this like it is some ultimate truth

    I said I wouldnt flik it. If you take it like an ultimate truth than that's just your mind, and if YOU want to flik it then feel free to do so.

    Yeah its an opinion, NO SHIT GENIUS!

  7. looky here IVO!


    you come off dissing americans saying euro graff is way "ahead", but this thread surely doesn't dipict that! I dont like most of this stuff.

    Sure, the colors are pretty, but that's it. Dont get me wrong, some of it is good, and I even really dig YOUR work, but you spout ignorance with the best of them. There is some real nice, innovative styles coming out of the states.....Damn the list of greatness is amazing.

    wak as FUCK!!!..........





    I wouldn't even flik this shit in America. not film worthy.

  8. I might actually go and paint a white canvas with a big red X in the center, then post it on here and see if people think the link is broken when actually they are looking at a fine art masterpiece.

  9. that's a good atitude....


    sorry if i came off as dick. You could sell em for whatever someone is willing to pay. Let somone offer you. otherwise continue making and having fun and your only going to improve and improve. That's my motivation.

  10. So many talented people on this board! I feel lucky to be able to communicate and see what the rest of the world is doing.

    All I can say is keep experimenting and testing yourself. Once something becomes "automatic" you should push on and test your limits. Like strength training you won't improve until you tax the muscles beyond what they previously felt. "Seak", for example, should make his forms into sculpture, gigantic, occupying an entire room! Those things want to come to life, to become real.

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