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Everything posted by thehavenots

  1. this shit's so dumb. graffiti around here is fucking gay these days.
  2. so, if i'm making out your biggerish correctly, you're saying the coma and nore story is the best part of that magazine? i think it's funny that out of a 2 page story about them, they only got like 4 paragraphs. that niser interview is by far more interesting than the coma/nore shit. "with the exception of cool disco dan, whose legendary status could never be touched, coma and nore have taken the title of all out dc street kings." now, i admit those dudes have painted a lot of shit, but i can think of at least one writer who i gurantee you i saw more shit by that was left out of that shit because of personal issues. nobody ever said Clear was an unbiased writer, one look at Free Agents will tell you that. and so will this article. anyway, whatever. i'm ranting. hope coma enjoys his new life in cali.
  3. the 'v' on that second over is kinda weird, but whatever. i'm just being nitpicky. good flicks overall.
  4. and if i'm not mistaken, one/some of the guys from BTGOG are in Breather Resist. god damn BTGOG was amazing.. i'm gonna go listen to them now.
  5. black my heart - fuck hearts the banner - your murder mixtape cast aside - the struggle i hate you - discography crime in stereo - explosives and the will to use them unearth - the oncoming storm stand accused - demo chokehold - content with dying duckhunt casey jones - the few, the proud, the crucial only crime - demo silent drive - love is worth it that sums up the last few days. seriously, check for duckhunt on soulseek or whatever.. that band is fucking awesome. and if you don't know about silent drive, it's dudes from ink cartridge funeral (which is dudes from bane). more rock, less core, all awesome.
  6. i vote dlokddlokd for the character battler, and yellow feets for FORUM.
  7. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v239/moshxolympics/sketchypoo2.jpg'> i'm a little late, and i don't even know if i'm really in the battle. fuck it, i don't care. it's also huge, but again, i don't care. i'm crazy!
  8. zealot gets my vote for final, too. i'd enter the battle for RYKE, but uh, i think i shouldn't qualify for that.
  9. look, all i was saying was that the way you worded it was something to the effect of posting flicks by people "putting it down". and yes, those cats rocked it reeeeeal well in the day, but DC's day is almost over. and i'm not putting you down at all for posting your flicks, or coma, or nore. i may not be the biggest fan of what you guys do, but you do it a lot, and that's cool by me. and as far as your claim that you "did more", look man, you even ask at the end who i am, so how do you know what i did? this isn't a pissing contest to see who has/had more ups. trust me, i did my shit, and lots of it, very well, very often, and very big. so don't worry about me. we've got mutual friends, and i'm not throwing out shit to attack you, so don't look at it that way. my whole point in my original post was to let you know not to drag a whoooole bunch of other people into whatever problems you have with Jyst. that's all. go paint.
  10. first of all, i can guarantee you it wasn't jysto, my man is a little more intelligent than that (ie., constantly spelling words wrong, that sort of thing), and won't hide behind a computer screen like that. you jumped to a little conclusion there, but that's alright. someone was after you, and you went for the first person you can think of. yeah, he was there in baltimore, but whatever. second of all, as one of his "homies", i can promise you i've put in my fair share of work over the years. cities, spots, trains.. whatever you want. i may not so much anymore, mostly because i'm sick of all the bullshit, but i have. and i'll gladly admit you guys are definitely putting it down. just don't go dragging mine and everyone elses names through the mud, just because you've got a problem with my boy. and come on man, most of those cats you said you were gonna post flicks by don't even paint in dc anymore, if they even paint at all. but all those dudes have definitely put in their work, don't get it twisted. but face it, dc is dying. keep doing your thing though, because, like you said, the city's got an awesome history, and it shouldn't fall off.
  11. cave, mist, cert, scan... i noticed ahoy and over and those dudes putting up ROC.. that's not the same one from new york is it?
  12. awesome, thank you... i'll look around and see what i have.. as soon as i find stuff, i'll scan it and post it.
  13. sick people out rocking the streets... if mother only knew... i fucking looooove old dc graf. that's the shit i came up on.. rust, cycle, NAA, ELW.. amazing shit. and that felon government priorities shit, pure hotness. mangoria, you got a flick of the EROC piece cycle did up there? all my old dc flicks have come up missing.
  14. i totally agree.. it's almost sad that most of these kids of no idea of anything older than earth crisis. and if they do, it's pretty much only minor threat and all the revelation bands. not even all of them. i think new jacks should all be issued a copy of american hardcore haha.. maybe then they'll get some sort of idea as to what it was that made this music so great.
  15. nothing can stay "underground" forever. and to some extent, i think it's good that these bands are getting hte kind of exposure they are. sure, it'll draw in a million teeny-bopper "hardcore" kids, but it's happened before. it'll happen again. but think of this, chances are somewhere in the midst of those million "new jacks", there's gonna be 4 or 5 kids that end up becoming the next amazing hardcore band. everyone starts somewhere. on the other hand, i fully feel the frustration with what's going on in/with hardcore right now. i personally think hatebreed is incredibly redundant, and damn near every sing they've ever written sounds the same. so if the "nu-metal" world wants to embrace them, go ahead. as far as poison the well, i think the new record is really good. it's just evolution, every band (except hatebreed, evidently. ha.) goes though it. that kind of deftones/glassjaw sound that PTW has now, that's more of what they're actually into, you know? it's what moves them as people. if a band that i really like can making a living doing this, good for them. BUT, if the money is what they're in this for, fuck them. "cash from chaos", right?
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