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Everything posted by newwave2000

  1. it's nice to see different ideas, but that inverted thing has been done a bunch of time already. but it's nice to see other people try it and pull it off.
  2. can you be alittle more specific about which snake? got several ones?
  3. that is true about having a site and not knowing any history. just like naming your group of friends "h-mob" cause you are a fight club. if they only knew what they are really representing they'd get a good "fight". as for the piece above he was definitely ahead of his time. even when the 2in Bombers were around and all them other "true" old school hawaii crews were around.
  4. nope wasn't him. but he was rocking that night too. Pumped Full of Drugs was done by another Master In Art member and one of the Clown Bombers. can't give info away that easy.
  5. it's in the kalihi ghetto "gang territory" looking for some stuff on the web came across this. interesting how he gives a shout out to VERB NBS..... http://members.asianavenue.com/AuToBoT95R/
  6. hey dog still up, just seen an audi TT trans bust going on the pali. fricka wanted to race look what happened. keep on posting stuff i have never seen. such a small island but sure missed alot of stuff.
  7. das rite. membah meetin yah on da steps ov da apartment jus cruisin' taught you was gonna beef me for coming down da lane. i'll give you a call later.
  8. wow did i inspire you? i thought you just came around to beat me up every time. i see teknek once in a blue moon, he's been printing shirts. as for knave he's MIA, last i heard he's was hustling bowling making some good, very good cash.
  9. he never did anything so i don't think there is any flix of him. he just talked alot of BS and just wants to be cool and hang with writers. saw some upset awhile ago..... well here's more http://img12.photobucket.com/albums/v36/katch/my%20trips/3-9-04a.jpg'>
  10. yeah, quest jacked all my paint, so i jacked katch, but i didn't want him to call the cops on me so i made him disappear. that's why katch don't have anything running in the yards.
  11. Quest beat me up for my paint:dazed: :(
  12. never knew who that was, he started popping up in the early early 90's as you see it was all dated. tried to find out but no one knew. but to be scribed in almost all the elevators in office buildings was quite different. and this person knew about scribes cause they were nice clean scribes not them messed up ones you try with your car keys. if anything this person worked for fedex/ups/airborn express... where he would be going to different buildings over the several years he was doing it. just my thoughts.
  13. thanks dog, right under my nose. how ignorant i can be sometimes. and props to "im2" :lol: :king: :lol: :king: another silent king
  14. Re: East Legal hey molesta or someone can you email me where that legal is, lotta detail can't see in your post. kkuhns@obunhawaii.com
  15. everyone know your real friends, just heard on the radio an advertisment telling everyone who knows a "tagger" to call an 800 number to turn them in. all you old futs i know, be careful don't make too many new friends these new kids might not be able to handle the real pressure and break down cry and squeal on others...... just from experience. stay safe
  16. yeah can't remember what it was, but i remember telling my younger bro "hey that guy is from hawaii" as we went by.
  17. ha i did see it but nevah take a flick of it, i saw it too last minute to get it, but i did see sum UDown stickers on the I-80. boy do i miss that cold chilly weather. gotta run around nekkid it's so hot here. on that marker thing, do they still make color blenders? those were the best thing to do mad blends, fades, highlights, soften colors, make new colors.......
  18. no rush, i'm snowboarding right now. big storm coming in, I-80 is a parking lot....
  19. Re: Kalani Wall Flashback MuthaMolesta Speaking of East has anyone seen his legal piece of the underwater scene? Destro showed me the spot...hella dope, although I get the sense East is trying to say something to Katch since its a underwater scene and Katch does a grip of underwater scenes, hence Sera's or the Hoomanakas studio...but thats just my hypothesis. P.S. Tredawg....I met you once at the BBoy Reunion 2001..."Quest" right? thanks for all the props...keep up the dope sh*t. someone email that east legal.... tre isn't quest cause that's me
  20. if he claims HP, don't mess with him that's real gangsta, when all you kids were in diapers they were really mobbing da streets......... Humanist Party fo' life BadxSamoanxBloods Nakaz
  21. Total Kaos was jus another yard krew "back in the day" as you young ones call it.
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