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Everything posted by newwave2000

  1. WORD...SINCE 87'! SOME FBM MEMBERS HAD KILLER BLACKBOOK SKILLZ! DR.WIZZ911 HAD THE ILLEST SHIT I EVER SEEN!!!:king: [/b] that's them days when illustrators where king. didn't matter how you rocked with cans, but with books. pretty lame back then. that's funny, ABC didn't like AIM, cause they would always hit up where ABC got up and ABC would have to go back and rock them spots even more. i only remember CHASE off the top of my head right now.
  2. crazy crazy after that them fbm kids was trying to get abc to join up with fbm they eventually did. but them krews back then no one bombed. everyone rocked the sketchbooks. you was down with aim?
  3. so what happened with Seven Dream Masters? wasn't dash and kry with SDM i may be all confused? they were suppose to be the kick ass crew on the leeward side. but never seen any pieces or taggin of them. hey drip of a wish hit my email. i posted a earlier
  4. Re: MORE BOMB SQUAD FLIX oh shit thnk and dep32 in LA river bed.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. actually Yor wasn't with AM, but his boys were. teze 3, bak 4 can't remember who else he said. that was a mililani crew. they didn't too much peicing from what i remember but alot of tagging. oh colour if your other TE brother sees his cousin ask who the other 2 girls "2shy" hung around those other girls were actually the hotties back in the day. tredawg, talking females, remember TOTS a whole crew of babe writers? or Skez's Acrylic?
  6. MAD had big time beef with US. i think that war was bigger than the DM/MIA or the FBI/BS. and US was backed by the bloods and MAD was a bunch of Japs. Those days always had beefs at "dances", the malls, anywear you would find writers. all shit talkin came down to who's books/pens/paint would get stolen or a good ass whoop. not like today, it just goes on and on and on..... your boys' cousin she still get 'em or what? my MIA buds say she was a cutie back in the 80's :crazy: :crazy:
  7. do you have any relation to her? she was a cutie back in the day, that's what i heard. never met her. that one yard use to be chill but nowadays with dumb fake police officer mall security just be careful. but there are still other ways to get down there. just take a break at chuck e cheeses near longs and order a pizza and you will see the little spot.
  8. not sure with the DM / MIA. DM had some dope artists but didn't paint like MIA in those days. i just seen Kinks in a nice dropped Benz with some fat rims. hey did you get any more VISA or IA flicks. remember Raz, one of the few females. or even the foot rock bunch's "island paradise" in the same yard it ran for years.... hey tre, can you email me your number i wanna talk to you.
  9. pretty close estimate but don't wanna say the exact date......
  10. Re: COUPLE MORE OLDIES... osler was done in late 86 or early 87 with the Vandals In Street Art. did you get the 2fresh and CTA production when they were suppose to battle VISA. VISA never showed up. that was such a chill yard. Art Crew/Art Critics? where'd they go? hey did you catch my f**ked up FBM throw up? it's horrible!
  11. quote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by TREDAWG around 1985-86... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ alright, i have to find this place. not sure if you wanna check it out lot of homeless and crack heads in that area of nuuanu (hint) and 10 years ago the water was a little more safe to walk in.....
  12. Re: Re: Re: THNK!!! no probs. hey did you check your email?
  13. Re: THNK!!! thanks for the embarassment.........:(
  14. hey tredawg hit me at this email got a few questions........... kkuhns@obunhawaii.com
  15. yes it's hawaii the aloha state, but haven't seen that kid getting up in the islands?!?!? any of katch's whole cars passed thru there?
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